Fuck you Verizon

hello T mobile.

verizon i had two shitty phones, 75 a month for me, 35 for the fiance. t mobile, two fat new phone free, 75 total for both a month, with 3 day weekends, 1 year contract, and if you go over your plan, they simply charge you the next highest plan for that month. on top of that, all charges are prorated so no paying for a full month for starting a week into the month. i have no clue why i waited this long. :rofl: me so happy :wink:

Catherine Zeta is hot

she’s beat on… here eyes look two different directions :eek:

she’s probably trying to look at anything but the old man she fucks…

shoulda came seen me

lol least you’re saving money while your coverage area is sucking


people who don’t live in the boonies don’t worry about those kinds of things.


:rolleyes: ok

:dunno: who you work for?

i have 3 cell phones (2 through work and my personal one)

i have at&t/cingular, nextel, and verizon i know which works where

again, people who live in metropolitan areas need not worry about such things…

i have cricket…and i never drop calls.

where do you think i work?

third cow over from the swimmin’ hole?

seriously, though. i know my sprint phone was better than t-mobile, but there was only a real difference in places i rarely go anyhow (i.e., the backwoods of West Virginia). Saving thirty bucks a month is worth the possibility of maybe dropping a call or two the next time you go out to the sticks. That’s why I dropped Sprint for Cricket. I pay half as much, and my phone works everywhere I need it to, aside from when I’m on vacation (about six weeks a year).

i work in greensburg, butler, and oakland

cricket sucks…

glad it works for you…but i’ve never talk to anyone with something good to say about cricket…

sounds/call quality sucks, drops calls, coverage sucks

but if your happy…do you thing

work for nextel still??
is there anyway you can get me a phone with just 2 way,
or whats the lowest plan you can get me?

all three are shitholes… oakland is the only metro area… greensburg is ok for like a 2 mile radius (i lived there) and bulter is garbage (i go to butler courts all the time)… if you don’t consider butler the sticks, then you must be from the backwoods.

verizon blows

I liked at&t, but my company decided to switch

i am and i don’t consider butler the sticks