Anyone work for Tmobile

I just picked up the blackberry pearl and I would have to pay an extra 19 bucks a month to be able to send pictures and stuff, even though the place where i got it from said i would get unlimited picture sending and texting for 15. now they want me to pay an extra 19 on top of that for the blackberry interweb service someone please help me out.

nice phone…too bad tmoible sucks

I like the service i get it everywhere and in my basement too. Its much better than sprint, i just dont like the fact about the pic sending crap

one on one to any phone company verizon has hands down the best signal…BUT verizon has some shitty as phones, the only down fall. i almost went somewhere else cuz of the phone selection but they are getting better. with verizon i pay 15 a month for 500 text and pictures and unlimted between verizon phones

Verizon sucks, couldnt’ get a signal in Lackawanna unless i went on my porch, barley got a signal down town Buffalo, couldnt get a signal anywhere in South Carolina, had to go out side in The burbs of Raleigh, North Carolina to get a signal, the customer service reps are well versed in “sorry, not our problem”

i get signal everywhere, i got an ucnle that lives in lackawana and i get signal even in clubs like level and shit weird you didnt. i got full bar in sundowners lower level and even carlisle in the hotel

I have the same phone. You have to pay for the Black Berry service which is $20 a month. And on top of that you have to pick text messaging which also can send pix. 1000 text for $10 or unlimited for $15. I believe.

And yeah Verizon does have the best coverage like you say. But I hardly ever leave T-Mobiles coverage area. I had verizon a few years back when I had my treo. But Verizon is a fucking rip off for PDA phones. I had a 400 min plan for $39.99, unlimited internet for $44.95, and text messaging for $10.00. After taxes my bill was close to $120. T-mobile I get 1000 min unlimited text and unlimited web and after tax my bill is around $75.00. So Verizon can blow me…

you are paying too much. its $10 now.

i just drove to georgia and the only time i lost signal was on the border ov WV and VA right by the tunnel on 77. must have been an issue with your phone, as i have yet to find a place in buffalo (from springville to fredonia to niagara to batavia to machias) that i dont get signal.

HAHA sucks for you should have gotten Verizon!!!

I hate those T-moblie guys.

“Hey want a new phone?”

“No thanks”

:insert douchebag remarks:


ugh mobile pollution, those guys are everywhere in the malls.

How about:
-Anywhere on Sweet Home Rd. past North Campus in Amherst if you’re indoors…I’m so sick of verizon ppl having to borrow my phone at my house or in my neighborhood at my friends’ houses
-Anything in the Southern Tier off of 17/86…Cingular has Cell One roaming, Verizon has nothing but maybe some bootleg ass analog here and there
-these are just the ones i think of off the top of my head cause verizon ppl always borrow my phone at my parents house and my cabin

Yea, they get annoying real fast.

T-Mobile is hands down
provider out there.
Better off using the phone as a paperweight

So he can pay 60 bucks a month for data?


Been with it for two years 1/2 years, only time I had no signal was in the mountainous roads near Keuka Lake. Besides that I can just about count the number of dropped calls due to my signal on one hand.

havnt been down 17/86 in awhile, i’ll check it out next time

dont know anyone on sweet home, but on the road i have no problem. id be willin to check it out though :hay:

I dunno, looks like they are all hit an miss, but becasue of their complete lack of customer service I will never use Verizon again. Never had a Problem with T-Mobil, always have a signal, had a phone go bad after 3 months, they replaced it no questions asked.

werd… .follow that advise… I’ve probably paid them over 2K dollars in the last year from little things here and there that they kept forgetting to tell me about and overages and shit… FUCK T-MOBLIE… I’d never suggest that anyone use them (uless you like paying up the ass for extremely shitty/un-helpful service).

I finally said fuck it and cancled and now paying on a 600.00 bill, but IMO, it’ll be worth every fuckin penny to never have to deal with them again.