Fuck you Verizon

butler is most definately the sticks, no question.

seriuosly tho…what good is a cell phone if you can’t use it, if ytou break down and need emergency help is it more likely to be out in the middle of nowhwere with nothing around or in downtown new york where you can walk to a pay phone? your phone needs to work everywhere you are to be considered valuable and the othe rcompanies just don’t do that, if i can’t make a call with my verizon phone the ohter 2 i have won’t either

verizon dropped calls like it was a job… in shadyside??? all i hear is how good their coverage is… yeah, in like 97 when they were the only company with towers. besides, i was referred to tmobile by a dude that uses insane cell minutes, all over the state, and he said their coverage is solid so i’m cool. verizon had comparable coverage, the worst prices, the worst customer service, 2 year contracts, and they i’ve caught them lying to me like 4 times… enough is enuff. i make up my deactivation fee in like 6 months so i’m happy as a pig in shit.

PS… if directions to your house include… get on route 8, then your in the sticks :bowrofl: butler is soooooooooooo the sticks

haha… butler is the cut… no doubt.

also, i never had cell issues that couldn’t be resolved with a ‘reboot’… my sprint phone works decently…

soft handoff > *

fuck, man… richland is the sticks… and butler is farther out than that.

if youre that worried about droping a call get a sat phone. that way you dont drop anywhere and it switches form digital to sat and then back again when you hit digital

If your not in Allegheny Cty, then your in the mutha-fuckin cut…

If your streets have RD#'s rather than street names your in the mutha-fuckin cut…

if the cars are worth more than the houses they are parked in front of, your in the mutha-fuckin hood

if three generations live at the same address you’re in the cut

2 / 10

if you know someone that has a granpap whos also their REAL dad your in the cut

on a side not i went to school with some kids… that had a grandpap as their real dad, their mom was also their sister i guess, their drnadma would have been what though. i dunno fucked up. and then i knew a family that was like real real bad inbred and hick shit, on of the boys in this family shot his sister cause she stole a few smokes off of him. im talking point blank in the chest with a 20 gauge… fucked up families

and yeah i know im from the cut

why i have no problems with verizon

there are areas where you have NO service and i mean NONE what so ever… im just saying if youre that worried about it get one of the sat cell phones

no real problems with verizon except their policies.

only place so far i have that is the office at work because of the led shielding

the only dead spot in my service is when i pass the cemetary by my house and there is a tower right there too. come to think of it i have the lowest bars whenever a tower is close by (1000 feet)

You guys with your cell phones :rolleyes:

T-mobile sucks donkey balls

my voda phone is the shiznit