Fuck you Verizon

verizon’s parent company…

cingular is actually the #1 in this country

oh that’s only like 2.5/10 :smiley:

Verizon is the best service provider Ive ever had. Their coverage and signal rules, you get what you pay for, that is all.

in customer base because of the merger…that’s the only reason

hey good for you, i was paying 135 a month, i got shit. care to explain? f verizon that is all

cuz j00 got owned! i pay 20 a month for the plan, i have pictures and a mapquest subscription i’ve paid 33.59 for 11 months now


i think he gets a cookie for payin 130 something

no i was at the end of the 2 year contract and two years ago cingular wasn’t here, t mobile didn’t exist, nextel was just starting, and sprint was still out of radio shacks alone. :rolleyes: i had the best deal at the time, now i have the best deal at this time.

i don’t shop on price with phones

service quality, and coverage as well

thier coverage is not larger than verizons…cdma > gsm

compare network to network

45% of verizon’s network is extended/roaming

I do this for a living, remember

yeah so did i, it’s extended but not roaming, it shows roaming but there are no roaming charges

guess again

verizon isnt bad, theyre just not the best anymore

the whole time i was in virginia i was in extended network for a week it was extended network, i used the phone for work all week (400 min or so) daytime - my bill was 33.59 like it always is

im done arguing with you kurt… im tired of proving you wrong time and time again

show me how me being in extended roaming area for a week and not accuring charges makes me wrong PROVE it dont’ say you proved it fucking PROVE it.

extending roaming area
not charged on my bill

guess again

prove me wrong (just like you proved me wrong in the other thread that i didn’t even post in)

i have national coverage, what is this roaming thing you talk about? hell i even went to canada and never paid a penny more… it just charged me regular minutes!

come to think of it crossing over the boarder on 76 into ohio to about norwalk is also extended “roaming”…as well as 95% of florida, neither of them occur charges