At the video store and seen this(pic),255,255,255,1,0,0,0,0&outquality=90
Huge fuckin pic but WTF is this shit?

Sweet red x

ive seen those red x’s b4 … they all over the intraweb … nothing new or cool

I can see it, you cant?,255,255,255,1,0,0,0,0&outquality=90
try the link then



Wait its from my cell phone, maybe you have to be logged in DUHHHHHHH, Hold on.

LOLLLLLL…that was worth it

Ya, wtf is up wit dat shit??? Ghetto rip off, or the OG Japan version?

I am going OG

wrong, lol

:lol: I thought it said at a glance…Snakes being hatched in teh stomach of a girl and then eating her out…and I was like…oooo a porn…i am there


Yeah I saw that the other day too. hahaha

lol…holy b movie rippoff

Ghost Rig > Snakes on a Train

hahahahah they were making fun of that on talk soup…guess its some straight to DVD movie (duuhhh) that is trying to get in on the hype of SOAP…which Ive heard sucks (again dduuuhhh)

I got suckered into renting that once, I thought is said Ghost Ship and got home and was WTF? I never did watch it.

more info on this ghost rig you speak of