ATI R600 Leaked...Faster than the GeForce 8800 GTX

fuckin a. does this thing have its own power supply? lol

Two internal power connectors.

Yeah for 230w I would imagine so.


Thats sweet, but i personally still prefer nvidia over ati, same as intel over amd. But thats just me.

I am for whoever has the better product. Fanboys are stupid.

Honestly, you really can’t go wrong with either one. I tend to turn down alot of that filtering and AA stuff anyway, as I refer having a sharper image, jaggies or not. Plus the higher you go in resolution, the less AA and filtering is really needed. Right now I am playing GTR2 in 1920x1200. It looks great with only the lowest level of AA and still gives me a great framerate.

I guess that puts me more in the nvidia mindset, where framerate is king, but there is nothing wrong with ATI’s approach either, because you can always get the framerates by turning down the AA and AF.

The power requirements are getting out of hand, though…

I think they are going the way of the CPU industry where they have multi-core VPU’s as well as process shrinks 90nm to 80nm to 65nm, etc.

unified shaders :tspry: