ATI Radeon R580 - 1.1 Teraflop GPU!

SOURCES INDICATE to the INQ that when ATI launches its R580 chip on the 24th of January next, the beastie will perform at a staggering 1.1 teraflops.

That’s quite a few flops more than a CPU, which is generally reckoned to be the brain of a computer.


gods ball = that vid card.

That link isnt working for me. Its a Video card? Is there a price?

It’s an article on the subject.

Allah’s sausage

What’ll be more amazing is when they actually put that kind of graphics power to good use. For FPS games, it isn’t exactly important to see the individual leaves on the tree when you are trying to avoid getting your ass shot off. Not much time to admire the scenery in a racing game, either. :lol:

The interesting thing is that with that kind of processing power in the GPU, the main system processor is going to be freed up quite a bit. Of course, Microsoft will take care of that with their next OS, I’m sure. Intel and AMD giveth, and Microsoft taketh away.