
GettingM3/GotMR2Boy said FREE detail. No questions axed!!

“Cossey needs his own sub-section’ Supporter”

wow nutswing status

Who the F would allow someone to detail their car for free. That makes me nervous to begin with.

I reallllly can’t get over the nut swinging going on haha. Its a sweet car, I will admire it when I see it. Will I give cossey free stuff because he has sweet cars, no.

hey you!

pipe down over there :blahblah


And I seriously never said that, for the record. I WOULD love to detail it though, if I’m worthy…

You believed that clown?? :lmao

Call me a nutswinger, that has been pretty much my #1 favorite car since as long as I can remember.

I Love supras but you dont see me trying to be rays or Rbakerians man partner, or standing in front their car acting like its mine answering questions :lol All Im saying is, dont get a big dick

when did i do any of that? :lol

You mos def got a bigggg dick about it, the other stuff was for fun :retardclap

yo, ryan had it out that one night and were all talking and a bunch of blowout kids roll up in their 99 accord and start asking questions, and ryan, ray, sean all walk away, and when those kids ask who owns it, all fingers on me… so i got this kid trying to trade me an acura TL-s for “my supra”

ryan: youre a douche.


Say your favorite car was a Maserati MC12 and some d00d just picked one up around here. Wouldn’t you be kind of pumped to see it? An R34 GTR is probably just about as rare as an MC12 in the US, maybe a little more common but you get the point.

:rofl :rofl :rofl thats awesome

cool? I was talking about one time when lance started spewing off facts about rays car for him

I would keep my composure and not act like a school girl the first time she sees a cock

who isn’t keeping their composure?

Man that was epic, :rofl

Btw, a legit VINd registered R34 is pretty damn rare. Only 25 or so in the US if I can recall.

haha just relax kramer, every things going to be fine… your going to auto x the shit out of your MR2 and your still going to college.

i’m very relaxed, i’m just not understanding your point. im chillin in front of my comp sippin a glass of OJ :lol

your not at school?

spring break. bish.

mother fucker… man two years ago lance and I were in myrtle beach drinking wayyyyyy too much, sleeping all day then partying all night… god damn i miss high school

you’re two years older than me??? you could easily pass for 16 or 17 :lol