ATT. Keyboard Racers what Pittspeed Grudge Match are you most interested in Next Year

he’s reading up on more reasons to say he’s faster, or trying to come up with more cool sayings like when he called me a cockgobbler

kurt why dont u STFU!

who’s gonna bid on this:kekegay:

thats massive!


if not i wil lshut it for him!!!

i’ll be down in an hour, see ya in a bit.

call honny, il lbe waiting!!! cause your sorry ass has nothing to back up your mouth

um…wow, the only thing i ran my mouth about was pot, kettle, black. don’t talk shit when you’re bitching about people talkin shit.

YOU are the one running your mouth :blah::blah: go finish your truck you have a race to win.


untill we see a 12.15 slip then go talk to the wall. also for soem why not actually build something of your own and then run your mouth. its a joke to hear or read about ppl running their mouths for other ppl’s rides. and untill youre combo is running you cant speak up.

this site as of lately is a fucking joke cause of some ppl thta are doing just as i stated. when’s the last time you heard me run my mouth about my truck beating this or beating that? but you do hear everyone and thier dog saying about how they are going to attemp to beat me or etc. if thats your goal great, my goal or plans dont include to worry about beating anyone local or etc. when that race or challenge comes up thats fine ill be at the track as i was in 06 just with a new combo. new combo wasnt made to beat joe smoe it was for something i wanted.

my goals are for us to be nowhere near eachother in the 1/4. I am building, every day i’m working on it :wink:

workin on it right now actually, was under the car for 2 hours replacing seals/axles/and oil lines.

workin on the turbo oil lines now since they finally showed up

youre building a socalled race car im just making my DD a little more funner. thats all, if i wanted to go all out for a socalled race car i would of dropped my new combo in my one shell but i want a fun DD. so have fun with a DSM and do the same thing someone else has done plenty of times

as for right now there isnt one 408/T56/14bolt silverado out there

I’m on stock axles, 4wd, plates, stickers, inspection, full exhaust, street tires - tell me again what i’m biulding? I dont’ see a trailer, i dont’ see it gutted, i don’t see water/air IC…what kind of car am i building? OH that’s right a STREET CAR

i’m the only 2.0/non dog box/factory ecu’d/ AWD out there :wink:

In reality quik is scared of a neon

why is anyone scared to race another car? are you bettin alotof money on it? i’ll run anything but if i lose its not a big deal. and i’m not gonna bet money on a race with a car thats obviously faster than me… i dont bet on racing as it is.

Theres a case of beer I think on tom and i’s race

figured I would bump this after everyone feels like calling everyone out…

see… you sucked less back then :smiley: