

i don’t mind the tax rate at all, i just wish it was better managed.

for what the government collects, health care and university should be free.


Socialized medicine = devil.

not if done right, I don’t think…


more goverment in anything=disaster and waste of money

If you want socailized medicine, move to Canada. Have fun waiting months to see doctor. And enjoy the 50% income tax.


and one more thing, all accidents are “no fault” there, so both drivers rates go up…no matter what happened

Pharmaceutical companies, some hospitals, private practice physicians = businesses.

Would you start a business and put money into research and development, marketing, insurance, etc. etc. et al, if the government told you you could only charge $X per unit sold, or provide services for free? I think not. The Soviets had government subsidized health care for decades. All that resulted was them being 20 years behind us in medicine and people that were machinists making the same wage as physicians.

Capitalism is one of the things that makes America great.

USA > Canada.

we have the greatest government on earth…

unless you’re a page, and mark foley has your email address.



So if you’re a molested page, and you get AIDS from Mark Foley, who covers your healthcare expenses?

politics are so gay. i’ve decided that i’m a libertarian with streaks of socialism to protect the stupid from themsleves. a long walk since i was a u.s. senate intern for rick santorum :eek: it convinced me you can’t ever fix it, just ride it till it crashes.

he fucked you in the ass, didn’t he.

he definitely winked at me:rofl:


I see your point about waiting until it crashes. Even the Roman Empire had to come to an end one day.

but we really don’t need to speed up the process.

Romans to Bolsheviks, notice how much shorter the cycle is getting.

Romans was about 700 years.
Ottoman Empire about 500 years or so?
Spanish power (armada times) less than that?
United States of America, slightly over 230 years at this point
Hitler, < 30 years

It’s almost about time for it to happen based on past performance. The time line for change dwindles as we move along in the timeline. Unless of course a government can pacify the masses (perscription and non-perscription meds/drugs) and take their means of preventing the tyranny of evil men (the firearm). Then they might have a chance of lasting longer than their charge would normally dictate with the naturally accelerating deterioration of governmental bodies as history has outlined.

Socialized medicine kind of fits in the puzzle and works the same way. Give the masses substandard care and give the “chosen few” that lead a better system. It’s like the current government pension system versus Social Security. Eventually there will be a class distinction and we’ll end up with poop and they will get preferential/better treatment.