Attn: John McCain

You can’t step into the ring with Ali just because you think you can box.


The government running our health care. That would be great, since government workers are so motivated and efficient…

weak as an AUTO vette


You seriously quote Leon Trotsky in your signature on Pittspeed?


Man, you should be going to MIT or something.

if Lenin had his way, Trotskyism would have prevailed over Stalinism after Lenin’s death, and the twentieth century would have played out much differently. Trotsky believed in the ideology; Stalin was just a dictator.

as opposed to your private health insurance, which will just let you die in the name of profit.

Are you advocating a bigger goverment? That doesn’t sound very libertarian to me.

I dont suppose it is. But private, for profit healthcare = lose.

I’m not saying private healthcare/insurance is fantastic and doesn’t have a load of problems, but I can’t come up with a scenario where government provided care/insurance would be superior. However, I would need to see a detailed plan of the finances and layout of the plan before completely dismissing it. I just foresee a drop in the quality of the care that I would receive. If you’ve ever dealt with trying to clear something up with a health insurance company, imagine doing the same with a government worker on the other end of the phone that gives even less of a crap.

Look how well the Medicare and Medicaid systems work :rolleyes:

Try dealing with those assholes and see how much gets done. It is like you said, they care even less.

if Lenin had his way, Trotskyism would have prevailed over Stalinism after Lenin’s death, and the twentieth century would have played out much differently. Trotsky believed in the ideology; Stalin was just a dictator.

Just LOL…this definitely isn’t the forum to have this discussion, but you’re way out there.

Are you a communist?

watch Sicko. Yeah its a Michael Moore film but it is a pretty accurate representation of how it works in Canada/Europe. It CAN be done correctly.

doctors and hospitals have to make big money, or there is no incentive to go through 8 or 12 years of school to get the degree. If you like free heathcare, move to canada. O wait, thats why canadians move here, because our doctors are actually good at what they do.

Have you seen the taxes in these countries? i am sure we could all give the gov 1/2 of our paychecks and they could get a ton of cool shit done.

private>goverment on anything

I am not now, nor have I ever been.

I’m big on the principles of social democracy, which is basically Socialism Lite. Fair market capitalism, a safety net for all citizens, repeal of Free Trade agreements. Delete the way out environmental stuff and pacifism from the Green Party platform and you have my beliefs.

I’ve been to Canada\Europe. I am not interested in making the US more like them.