Wrong, it was a documentary involving BOTH sides equally, pro steroid usage or no steroid usage… As for you, I GAURENTEE you, you didnt cycle right. I almost went for a carreer in the personal training direction therfore have done years of research and know quite a bit. Maybe you used more then a single compound your first cycle, maybe you didnt dose correctly, maybe you didnt take an A/I ON cycle as well as hcg, you probably didnt correctly take advantage of pct which would fuck you up for LIFE. I’d be willing to bet you did SOMETHING wrong for you to have a bad outlook on them.
BTW, lots of bodybuilders and strong men DONT have perscriptions for there drugs, they down talk them so the un-educated knuckle head doesnt ruine it for everyone when he pins up 1,500mg of test a week becuase he hears jay cutler does and ends up dying and making feds crack down on the drug.