
that documentary was about a guy who had friends and his own brother on them, and he was trying to show the negatives NOT positive sides. the guys who do take shit and compete weather it be in body building or powerlifting is understood but does not mean it good healthy or accepted. NO ONE i kno who competes in these EVER brags or says that they are good. they know they arent but they use the to accel at thier sport. no one on this site does anything with them but brag about them and try to be big and strong. ive been around them for ever and tried it my self years ago when i was young and stupid and all i have to say is they are bad for you! the only guys on here saying they are good are the ones who dont want thier to be anything wrong with it and they also dont do shit with them. sorry no hard feelings fellaz

Psi2high, your probably 100% right though about long term effects… This doesnt really say much though. Drinkings terrible for you and im pretty sure you dont care? Pretty sure you still rack em down on the weekends? Pretty sure fat obese motherfuckers will still eat fried foods 6 days a week even though THAT has long term side effects… Pretty sure white collar dudes and people who wake up early for work will still grab there religious coffee even though I’ve heard coffee has long term side effects…

It’s a fucking drug. Alcohol, caffeine, ritalin, they’re all drugs and they all have negative long-term health effects. If you disagree then you’re in denial and have a low IQ.

just because they have good results does not mean they are good for you, i drink alki to get drunk…it five me a good result ending in a black out…it is not good for me:retardclap this means i abuse alcohol…and thats the prob with the juice…EVERY! who has crazy results is abosing it. the “healthy” doeses you all talk of are sooo small you may not even have a result. None of you take a small dose

I worked with various pediatric doctors and surgeons who use steroids to treat certain conditions but the patient can not stay on them to long or they will have negative long term affects on the body. There is a reason steroids are illegal and its because they are not safe and cause serious damage to ones body including liver and kidney disease. It doesnt take a doctor to figure that out

Wrong, it was a documentary involving BOTH sides equally, pro steroid usage or no steroid usage… As for you, I GAURENTEE you, you didnt cycle right. I almost went for a carreer in the personal training direction therfore have done years of research and know quite a bit. Maybe you used more then a single compound your first cycle, maybe you didnt dose correctly, maybe you didnt take an A/I ON cycle as well as hcg, you probably didnt correctly take advantage of pct which would fuck you up for LIFE. I’d be willing to bet you did SOMETHING wrong for you to have a bad outlook on them.

BTW, lots of bodybuilders and strong men DONT have perscriptions for there drugs, they down talk them so the un-educated knuckle head doesnt ruine it for everyone when he pins up 1,500mg of test a week becuase he hears jay cutler does and ends up dying and making feds crack down on the drug.

thats why ya cant shrug your shoulders :Idiots so now we know that why is it ya walk like ya got a lumpy cam in your poopshoot ?

is this why every 4 months my doc has me do blood work ? im on steroids all the time for my back issue

um your wrong. i did not ever cycle i did pill 2 months of my life when i was 17 and 18 and had crazy results. but im not an idiot i k now the long term affects and have friends that have been affected. but thanks for telling me my cycle…

Who the fuck cares… 2012 we are all dead anyways.

bottom line, why the fuck would you take them if your not going to do anything with them? lots of wasted money and health risk. o and btw love4boost…steroids and personal training dont go hand and hand lol i have tons of friends who a personal trainers and just because they take em dont mean they know. none of you know. are you all qualified scientist or lab rats…i think lab rats

NOOPPPPEEE, your wrong brother, already I see your a novice and had no business ever cycling… Your a cool dude and all but you didnt do enough research. An oral ONLY cycle is a no no, EVER. Testosterone is the foundation of ANY cycle and should be used WITH an oral or other injectable steroid ALWAYS. You probably used dbol or anadrol for 4-6 weeks hopefully not any longer and shut your natural test production down and maybe even didnt have a proper pct lined up? You probably fucked your natty T levels for good which is prolly why you hate steroids lol.

Your right, but being in the field you tend to become somewhat knowledgable of performace enhancing drugs when half of your clients are bringing them up and sharing there goals which most can be acchieved with them…

I never got it, if you want to look good with a shirt off, or look impressive on a beach, in a bar or in front of someone, why not just eat right, work out right, and do what your body NATURALLY asks for to get results?

You cant tell me there isn’t ONE poor guy that did what I said above that you would look at his stature and say “Well he looks very fit and ripped”.

So if there is, why not work as hard as that guy did and achieve what they did, how they did it???

Thats right, because now a days the easy way out is the band wagon everyone jumps on.

dood i didnt mess up anything lol i just see the health risks and the feeling of lying to ppl and taking somthing illegal. i felt at the time and well still feel and inject is crossing the line. my natural test levels have never been an issue…nor has m natural lifting lol. i didnt cycle cause i never wanted to be “juice up.” natural is alot more pleasing and the results are ones im actually proud of. injuruies suck but they come along with it(joint tendon wise).

Because some people feel the need to look like a bag of lumpy shit by injecting all sorts of crap into them to bulk up


Becuase genetics get you only so far… No matter how much food and training you will only get so big PERIOD… Taking steroids is def not taking the band wagon, you work twice as hard, train twice as hard and take SPECIAL precaustions you would not have it you were natural.