
wasnt talking about you. Just in general.

i leave love, i dont take it. > insert smiley face jerking off <

i use steroids to shrink my balls, because they are fucking big.

is that y tracey likes mine moar bettar? :ninja


EDIT by the way I can read your dumbass avatar, which I am sure has something to do with your

big fucking balls


He just lumped you in with the “My New Haircut” guy! WTF!

just like instigating shit… LoL.

^ Why is shift quoting the wrong peps ^


Its my new fuckin S2000! :lol

and who fucked up the quote process first here? they are getting negged

fucking post #71! ARRRRGRGHHHHGGGGGGGG!!!111!!!

man, I know how you feel. My family is 85% Italian and our whole family yells LOL. On the holidays its one family member talking over the other


Contrary to popular belief, stuntin’ is non-habit forming.

we drank ALOT that night. Duke passed out/fell asleep on the way home. We were doing Jagor bombs, lemon drops, redbull and vodka’s, coke and rum etc. Duke dropped over $100 on drinks and so did I. I dont even remember that picture.

as far as the OP, I know he was fucking HAMMERED last night, and made this post for the hell of it.

Was one of the drinks he had called “extra chromosome” or something?

Never been drunk in my life to be honest, but from friends who have, there spelling while severely intoxicated let alone computer skills were terrible… Seems like Duke had no problem with either? …I do though, after seeing that picture feel bad about wanting to get into a fight with him, honestly probably still would as I cant stand the shit talking and acting like a big shot and then pussying out but still, I thought he looked a little different then that lol…

he was talking to me on facebook when he made the post, and I couldnt understand what he was saying. He was out at a xmas party at a bar with some people…

I cant tell you how many times I come on here friday or Saturday night, Completely shit faced, posting in threads and you couldnt tell I was hammered without sitting next to me.

Bobby called me 5 minutes ago. Said on 1/9/2011 @ 11:10 PM he was drunk off

That movie is meant to show negatives about steroids. Go ask an actual physcian and see what they tell you about steroids not some bonk ass movie. Ive learned all about them from working at the hospital and being in nursing school. There are no good long term affects

What kind of Dr’s are we talking about? Dr’s that have no experience with “anabolic”, anabolic being the key word steroids I would assume.

I went to a regular dr when I was like 17 for acne, not a dermatologist like I should have, tried to get some accutane and shit… Dude seriously told me to put vasaline on the pimples and that it would heal them… :facepalm It’s AMAZING, but I’ve seen a hand full of dr’s in my life that I think to myself, how the fuck did they get there job? And how the fuck do they keep it? One Indian dr couldnt even fucking speak english, I was telling HIM what medications do this and that and the dude had no idea.

i take 4 diff steroids a day … my balls are huge still