Then and Now

lets see some pics of you then, age in the late teens/early twenties and now

this is me age 17(no shirt)-20(glasses) and now 29.

Did you even lift bro?

Dwayne johnson status

Then (circa 2003-04) 19-20 yrs old:
Now 28 yrs old:

I was a super fat ass until my early 20s.

good shit!!! i respect that man

Thanks man! It was a couple yr process but I’ve stayed around the 175-185 lb mark ever since, which is way better than the almost 280 of pure fat I started with!

Dude. That’s impressive and borderline motivational.


def motivational for me aswell congrats bro! im 186 but have a gut and man tits that i really want to take care of i have a gym membership but im way too lazy at 5 to go :frowning:

This was me right before I left for the navy 19yrs old

This was during my deployment 22 yrs old

More or less still look the same maybe 20-25 lbs heavier now

i went backwards… i’m not posting pictures because it makes me sad

2-ish (give or take)

17, senior year of HS

pre-navy, 25-ish, at the end of a miserable marriage

Now, 29

Too the OP, I’m not into weight lifting or think it looks cool but it obviously takes tons of time, work, and dedication so I give you credit there.

As far as this… This is impressive to me, and inspiring. Nice job! I need to stop being a bum and drop a few extra pounds as well. What did you do? Diet? Workout? Both I’m sure but any specifics?

Basically just counted calories and tried to get in a good 30-60 min of cardio in 4-5 times a week. Towards the end when cardio became easier I’d go longer. I did a lot if biking and in the winter had a night pass to jiminy peak so is go night skiing a few times a week.

You guys make my fat ass depressed

Damn E man, so much respect.
Where are you at with your lifts? (Bench/DL/Squat)

I’m on my phone so I can’t do the pix but there on my f.b wall lol . I was at 3xx about a yr ago and now I’m @240

The middle pic on the top row looks like Sbardy lolol

Damn, now I weigh more than you now

Copy and paste my pix jellies , I can’t from my phone .

trying but time warner cable sucks cock