Just got some 20's...

Actually my arms are almost 21 inches now. Been hardcore busting my ass at the gym. Currently at 256 lbs.


whats your body mass index(BMI) and Bodyfat percentage?

Dont know… I’m pretty fat still though. I just can’t seem to lose this gut.

good job. you really dont look 256lbs :slight_smile:

when you start losing weight your stomach, love handle area and low back are the last place you lose fat from. its where the male body stores its most fat and last place youll see go away.

My main problem is I just have no willpower to diet. I eat a lot of fast food, chicken wings, pizza…all the really bad stuff. :frowning:

kolar is my E-hero


I’m just getting back into lifting… maybe I’ll have me some dubs too, someday.


New sig for me.

once they get to 22’s i wanna roll the mustang around on them

Its a deal…


Heh, heres a drunk shot of me for a comparison. Don’t ask me why I’m wearing a bullet proof vest. :wink:

your the white 50 cent…


looking good kolar(and i mean this in a non-brokeback way haha)

i think that bmi stuff is bunk. mine says i should weigh 155 i got married and i weighed 159 and i looked all skinny and sickly, as compared to now looking fat and sickly.

i didnt realize i typed body mass index(BMI), i meant Lean Body Mass which ill explain later.

i do agree that BMI is a horrible way to determine if your overweight or not. i stand all of 5’4" tall and weight in the mid 170s at this very moment with a bodyfat in the high single digits. when i plug my stats into that calculator i end up with a BMI of 30.

the scale is like this:
* Underweight = <18.5
* Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
* Overweight = 25-29.9
* Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

so what i am considered is clinically obese but i barely have any fat on my body.

if anyone is interested in figuring out theres, here is the calculation and a link to a simple calculator to save you from the algebra.

Calculation: [weight (lb) / height (in) / height (in)] x 703

Lean Body Mass is your weight minus the total weight of your bodyfat. so if you were 200lbs with 10% bodyfat you would have 20lbs of bodyfat. the calculation would be your mass(200lbs) - Bodyfat(20lbs) leaving you with a LBM of 180lbs.


jesus… (ill still take you tho) :bigthumb:


you weigh 20lbs more than me. fucking fat fuck. fatty fat fatterson.

BMI = bullshit.

it says for my height of six foot, 136lb is normal.

i’m 190, which is in the upper end of overweight.


I’ll arm wrestle ya.