Just got some 20's...

HA! I’m overweight

yeah right

Jon Kolar is the gayest person ever known to follow the bandwagon body showing self on here:greddy2:

BB…Big but a bitch:kekegay:

syfin my nuts dry and lick my nipples

according to that Im normal weight. I was “overweight” for a long time.

:rolleyes: We can roll anytime you want Sally.

I have been losing weight for 3 months now,( was 225) which i was pissed about cuz i never go over 215. well im 5 9 and 207lbs, this BMI thing says im 30.6 :rofl:

What a bitch

i’m bigger

yea according to that im average at 148 @ 6’1" :rofl:

kolar = test, deca, dbol

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v171/twincamz1320/05_12_06_1938.jpg thats you?

sounds like someone knows the beginner steroid stacks…

PCT with clomid
nolva on hand

And how would you know jimmy?

i had alot of friends who decided to use steroids a few years back. they were constantly asking me questions about what to take and how to take it. i decided for the safety of my friends and my general knowledge i would research steroids. i tried to help them use the steroids as safely as possible and so they got the most out of them i.e. keeping as much of their gains as possible with post-cycling. in the end some listened to my warnings and advice while others didnt, it wasnt my body so i didnt care.

i know you were implying that ive used steriods but i honestly have never even considered them. if you were to ask anybody that knows anything about them, they will tell you i do not have a “juiced” body.


i heard otherwise honestly, ppl that you recently spoke to mentioned that you were on it. and since you got off them your temper has came down and another reason why you are on PS again.

i dont take it personal that people think ive used steriods but plain and simple i have never touched them. it sounds so cliche but diet and exercise does the trick for me. i dont really know who i spoke to recently that would mention i was on them but ill take that as a compliment. i must be doing something right for someone to assume i was juicing when im not.

as for my temper being non-existant and why im on pittspeed again. basically ive just grown up alot since i first joined this site.

cool, just letting you know what was said and mentioned. honestly to me it doesnt matter either way.

i here sticks breaking!:smiley:

flex like this for a pic :greddy: