Weight progress thread

I know quite a few of us on shift are into lifting/fitness. I want to make this into a progress thread that anyone can post in to kind of track how far they’ve come along.

I’ll start off

Started lifting at 16-17 years old, roughly 310lb

A few months ago I was 19yo and about 120lb lighter

I’m currently 210lb at 20 years old…

I’d like some constructive help from the weight lifters on here… I encourage everyone who’s lost weight/lifts etc to post so that I don’t look like a chode being the only one to post lol.

solid work ned

I won’t post pics but i am down to do this

Currently 6’1 and weight about 245ish. Goal for summer is to cut down to 225 while still maintaining current strength. My routine is this

day 1. Chest
day 2 back
day 3 rest or cardio
day 4 shoulders
day 5 arms
day 6 legs
day 7 rest

thanks Jay. Sounds like a solid workout routine. I’m lifting heavier as of late but I definitely want to be a LOT more defined rather than pure bulky. By this summer I’m shooting for around 180lb. I was down to about 175 a few months ago

anytime my 4 ringed buddy. Where you training?

I’m at Planet Fitness in Loudonville, what about you?

golds in latham …you know this actually could be a great thread if it helps people find workout partners etc. Anytime u want to try my gym i am sure i can get you in for free for the fun of it.

Agreed… And thanks for the invite bro! Same goes for you, I can definitely get you into PF

Well, obviously you already know me and my goals as we workout daily togeather lol but ill post for shiftyyy.

Started at 16? Think I was 120 pounds @ like 6% bodyfat, am now 22 in about 2 weeks and am at 194 @ an estimate of 9% bodyfat. Was 206 last month, but was carrying alot of water so I dropped the water and am looking more cut.

Goal = 225 @ around 8% bf

I’ll post pics if someone else does first lol

dave we all know your the shift situation. :thumbup I haven’t done a body mass index in awhile i should do that. Where u training buddy?

Pf as well, Me and Ned are training partners hence why I chimed in fairly early to support him. We hit that shit up twice a day, once mid day and a mid night cardio session! lol

I posted pics but decided against it… atleast not yet, give me a few months lol

Nice ya hitting that shit hard then. I gotta get more into the cardio even though i do jump rope often. I just fawking hate the tread mills etc. :banghead

Ned you accomplished a hell of alot already man so be proud of that.

Not sure why you took them down Ned, shit is impressive as fuck. Good work dude.

I don’t work out at all. Just saying.

Becuase he knows how much shit people on shift talk even when someone achieves insane progress such as him…

Thanks guys… No homo but it’s always nice to hear that

anyways screw it Ill post pics in a bit

make sure you post the fat one first so people can see how far ya REAALLY came lol, looks like a whole diff person.

ok here we go…

310lb at 15


about 200lb at 18

few weeks ago

That’s what I’m sayin’ lol. I don’t give a shit if you’re ripped or whatever, but the fact that you lost that weight is impressive as fuck dude.

No I won’t suck your dick.

Inb4 steroids.


thanks man :thumbup

Damn dude, big difference there. Thats alot of weight to lose for sure.

Ive gotten myself down to 215 from around 245 in the past year. My ultimate goal is 195 and Im working towards that.

I can bench 195 now, just increased from 185 a few weeks ago. Thats as much as Im willing to bench without a spotter.

I go to the gym 5 days a week and on Sundays I walk 6-8 miles when its cold out and ride an actual bike for 20 miles in warmer/nicer weather.

I also stopped eating crap for lunch. I used to eat a bag of chips and a brick of cheese for lunch, then I switched to bagels and now I eat an apple.