Then and Now

Here John:



The now pic is old jellies , ill tag u in the pic u should use .

Don’t train like that anymore so who knows. I’m a bodybuilder not a power lifter so numbers mean nothing to me right now. In the past maybe when my ego got in the way.


Was 160-165 in HS. Got up to 220. I’m now at 209 dieting and walking. I work OT and eat big dinners out with the company. Still trying to eat healthy. Gotta start working out again.

I was 208 last summer and now Im 245-250 but Ive been working out much heavier and bulking up. I can lift a lot heavier than I used to now.

At my heaviest I was 262 with no muscle mass at all. That was before I joined the gym in 2006.

I walk every night and take a 20 mile bike ride on Sundays.

Don’t get me wrong I’ve still got a little gut and man tit going as well. But I’m way better off than I was haha, I just like bad food too much to care about dropping any more weight lol. I’m happy where I’m at.

I’m currently 3+ months strong going to the gym… gained about 10 pounds. Upped my bench about 70 pounds.

Don’t mean to quote this again but damn dude. This just gave me another shot of motivation. As of 3 weeks ago I started getting strict with my diet, not so much dieting but changing the way I eat and going the Paleo route. I’ve been eating like a horse but my energy levels are so much better, ive been a lot more active and dropped about 15lbs in the past 3 weeks… AND I CANT STOP EATING :rofl

Regardless that just gives me more motivation to stick to it, its been tough prepping meals and plans but its nice to eat good and feel great every day and not want to fall on my ass by 5PM from food coma from eating shit all day


Teach me.

Deadbeatrec, this is a serious question, does getting that big distort your tattoos at all?

It makes them wave at ya

I think all his work is fairly recent

No, its when he’s old and everything sags that it becoems a problem :rofl.

Was always somewhat curious about that though. I have seen some people who were pretty big or small when they got a tatoo and then body type changed and nothing looked really all that fucked up.

within the past 5 years.

it will distort yes


In Afghanistan


Still got a lot of work ahead of me… But progress is still progress

Haha sorry fuzz that first one made me giggle … Ahh the good old days

I also went backwards, (desk jobs FTL), lots of motivation ITT, ive recentlly started eating right and once i get back down to my old weight im going to start lifting and staying in shape, (i figure i should match my habits to my current lifestyle so if i ever get out of the groove of regular excersize i wont immediately become a fat fuck again)

This thread has made me feel like a fat piece of shit again. Holy balls. People doin’ work ITT.