Then and Now

Same. I used to be on the rowing and alpine ski teams in highschool. Was in awesome shape when I was 17-18, probably 200-205lbs, almost no fat on me. Then I went to college and didn’t ski often, and drank a lot of beer. Peaked around 240lbs this spring, been dropping weight decently by eating better/less and drinking much less beer. Down to 230 so far, hoping to start riding the bike again and keep dropping.

Me at 17…

I don’t know what happen to the front view that went with this. lol.

me at 21 living in tennessee, This is me working out for about a month.

Now I look like I’m 17 again. This is me just before my 23rd birthday. I like to make faces in pictures.

I make major progress in short amounts of time. I always just seem to get too busy to keep it up.

You barely fit on a damn beach chair!

I’ve never really been fat, i just want to be bigger.

Lol, wasn’t saying your fat, just crazy tall. Still boggles my mind you managed to fit in a Miata.

Oh I just figured you were busting my balls lol. Yeah, I’m a little tall I guess. :lol

Nope, I’m definitely fatter than you. By a lot haha.

6’8 128lbs lean and mean

6’3 about 190 lol

all of you need to get on the right “supplements”, end of story. go to gym, work hard. go home eat alot of meats and cheeses. if you haven’t met all three of those requirements then plz dont ask questions.


all those big dudes in the gym do em… hell, 85 percent of the gym are on. FUCK. lol

^^ I take my old mans AndroGel and rub it all over my body…

I feel like a beast

If I ate a lot of cheese I’d blow a hole through my shorts straining at the bench. Thus is why I remain jiggly. Yup cheese is the reason I’m too lazy to go to the gym.


reccomending anabolic steroids in which can fuck your entire life up to novices who cant commit to a normal weight lifting schedual like its a pack of sweet tarts…

sorry man, not cool

Is it normal that I can’t stop this humping motion? People are beginning to look at me weird.

fyi, i know your prolly joking around, but androjel does cock for muscle building… good for increasing sex drive and mild energy boost and it also shuts down your natural test at a much slower and weaker rate.

lol easy there big fella. you actually think ppl will take that advice?! im sure ppl will start pinning themselves AND eating the finest meats and cheeses b4 you know it… cmon dave.


Chad… violent steriod abuse + meats and cheeses = One Big Ass Bro