Everyone focuses on the negatives… but if closely monitores and done rightcan be very beneficial to your health. Ignorance up in here.

Already startin to rage!

I take that as a threat.

No ignorance, sure it can be beneficial for people and it is often prescribed by doctors. BUT there are people who use them who really don’t them to benefit their health(I.e. those who wish to build muscle for the sheer fact of vanity/to show how strong they are). No matter what steroids do have very negative consequenes when used when there is no ‘real’ problem to help.

then have me banned dickwad!

again so dumb!

Dude chill the fuck out. Im busting balls and you are raging…makes me wonder if they truely are rumors about roid rage…

CHILLAX Emuscles

ive said it once and ill say it again, BIGGER, STRONGER, FASTER. watch it.

i have no roid rage, i have rage in general. im italian and was raised in a family where everything was yelling. we dont talk, we communicate by yelling. also any chance i get to play devils advocate i do.

Bro, I’ve never seen this clown in my life therfore for all I know he could be 8 feet tall 300 pounds, obviously he is not but what I’ve said to him was prior to knowing wtf he looked like. Aside from this, regaurdless of the kids size, he shouldnt be talking shit, TELLING me he WANTS to meet up and then dissapear like a straight pussy. I’ve got my ass kicked by dudes 30 pounds lighter then me and I’ve also fucked up people who have had a hundred pounds on me, it really doesnt matter much unless were competing which I no longer do… It’s kind of funny though how im the one trying to “beat up” this kid but you have no comment for this clown making a thread attacking me, he is no washburn kid as far as I know, he has a brain and knows exactly what hes saying/doing.

Dukey on left black tee

duke is talking shit and im not sure y.

duke is a ok dude so this all can be fixed im sure. if not my backyard is still but. put ur snow pants on boys :thumbup

[quote=Sketchy;735587]Dude chill the fuck out. Im busting balls and you are raging…makes me wonder if they truely are rumors about roid rage…

Your talking about an illegal drug you dont have experience with on a public forum to someone who is a competitive bodybuilder, why wouldnt he get mad? What your doing is equal to me, a pc user swearing that mac sucks while I know nothing about macs. I know nothing about macs and never had one but im still saying they suck becuase of internet shit that I read? lol…

LOL@anyone that thinks that steroids are more dangerous than things they probably do themselves (drinking, rec drugs, etc). Compare the ER visits for steroids vs. alcohol/rec drugs, along with the documented deaths due to steroids and get back to me with your results…

Are you serious? Does he have down syndrome? no joking, seriously? Hes like… a normal dude?

raging roiddszz

Im busting balls cause its the internet. If you are taking this too serious click the little red X at the top right hand corner of the screen and proceed to relax and come back when your cool, calm and collected.

Doubt it, since he is using “Bigger/stronger/faster” as a defense which is a movie that is pretty much ‘pro-steroids’.

None taken. :rofl

I am a keyboard warrior till death. Ill fight you right fuckin now, little pussy ass bitch. Ill put my snow pants on and wipe the snow with your face, in your backyard. Shit has gotten real for real up in here. You cant touch me, nobody can. Ni99@ aint got shit on me!

not really, i love you

I lol’d


Do you see me flipping out about the topic? Im simply trying express why he might be getting a little upset on the topic.

I don’t think anyone implied that at all…