Attn: 1st Gen 30GB Zune owners. Mine's frozen and I bet yours is too!

M$ better resolve this shit ASAP :squint:

What do you expect its microsoft, everything they make is flawed in some way. Every since windows 98 came out I swore to my self never to use anything made by M$ they suck dick.

xp = win though


You have got to be shitting me. Ignorance much?

that’s why more than 90% of architecture firms in Toronto all use Microsoft OS??? If M$ sucked your house would fall down.

Meh I knew it was leap year related.

Apprently some buggy code threw the clock routine into an endless loop :rofl:

Not MS is fault I think cuz they just use the semiconductor’s API :dunno:

btw the link you posted either is not working or you need to be a member

Keez, the forum got hammered which is probably why it’s down or locked. :rofl:

Anywho look on Engadget or something if you want latest news on it

What OS are you using? I use OSX for home and 2003 & XP @ work…

Oh no…an Apple guy :/:.

I’ve got XP on my desktop, Vista on my laptop (4GB of ram makes it usable), and Yellow Dog Linux on my PS3.

Windows 7 is supposed to be beast.

WTF Rich you use Apple at Home? Shame :squint:

Vista at home, laptop and XP at work

I’m OS Neutral, I prefer what works… Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying OSX is the bee’s knees or better then anything else…

I have a Linux box that I collect and graph SNMP data on… (CentOS 4.3)

I use DD-WRT on my home router, not like i telnet into it and do anything interesting…

I had helped start a Linux distro back in the day (not that I did much), it was pre geento and was a compile on install…

I’ve used Vista Ultimate @ home… it was nice.

Ubuntu’s getting better!

Do you have an iPod?

I also use 2k3 @ home… I’m to lazy to switch it to anything else…

I have a 10gb 3rd gen ( ) that’s kinda gay now cuz the battery drains in like 20min :ugh:, not to mention it’s B&W. Too lazy to crack open case and replace battery :o

I dunno I’ve always gotten Windows to get my shit done so I see no point (other than trying) in switching to other OSes

You own more Apple H/W then me.


Sorry Martino, I had to…