ATTN: 94integrals

This is not a Flame thread!!!

Hey man that primer/orange Ack with lambos’…

Do you have any idea how many people that car drove over?

hey chaz was that the car that used to run around hampton ? when it was all bright orange

thats the one, same one that was on the news last year for running thru a crowd of ppl in highlands Wendys parking lot, OH and turned around and ran threw the crowd again…

what the hell are you serious i heard something about it but i wasn’t sure if it was true or not…well it’s not orange anymore and it doesn’t have lambos and it’s also not the same driver or owner and the car is in a hell of alot better shape i have been working on this car since the day that i got it. i realize that the car has a bad rep but you can’t pin that on me cause i din’t have anything to do with it nor was i aware of the severity of the situation and besides i just moved to pittsburgh 4 months ago. and by the way what did you mean by this is not a “flame thread”

he is not dogging on you…he is just making you aware of it…

flame would be like “your retarded, dumb, terminate your self from the internet” and so on

someone need to give this kid forums for dummys …its cool learn on!

yeah, i didnt want you or anybody to think i was raggin on you, I knew he sold it/traded it, just thought youd like to know how many human points that car has… :rofl:

its cool man, just wanted to let you know

so thats prolly why i had to fix and weld the rad support and replace the lights and tweek the fenders and bumper and replace the hood that explains alot well the orange is going and the car is going flat black

hense the term under REconstruction

Human points = Horsepower

lmfao yeah but it could also equal shot or beat the shit out of if people think that it was me that did it

when in the hell did you get cams? ! sounded more like a vacuum leak bro :wink: kickass your car was used in attempted vehicular homicide though!

supposedly it has cams in and everyone that i talked to that knows the guy that i got the car from confirmed that they were put in i did see the stock cams sitting in a drawer but i dunno oh and by the way all the vaccum lines are fine.

holy shit… and… and… and… and… and… and… :rofl:

:beer: :beer: and and and and so what who the hell cars at least i don’t hear cars talking to me lol just messing with ya man :nuts:

neon’s are gay and your car tried to kill people… cool thread.


might be getting rid of my car so i will end up passing on the legacy on to someone else. either for a civic hatch, si civic, mustang, or a thunderchicken, or just some cold hard cash