Attn: Be_rad


how was Ben’s bday?

Cut in line with girls I barely know, no waiting in cold +
Rocked $1 Miller Lights 2 power hours straight and got drunk as hell +
Seen many people I know and many many bitches +
Group hugs with Rege, Ben, and Tammi not being able to stand up straight past 12 priceless
Then going to MArgarita Mamas, getting in for free with a forged college ID, just in time for the bikini contest +erectorus maximus :hitit:
not having to drive home and getting taxied to sheetz for a buffalo chicken wrap w/ ranch dressing and a side of mac n cheese, then going to watch napolean dynamite +++++
Waking up at Andys house at 7:15 when I have to be at work at 8 woopsie but ++++ REd Bull > *

going out to lunch today after showing up late for work and going home early cause I damn well please. fantastic. Positive turn of events I must say! :slight_smile:

what about your application to the Mayors office?

hence the going home early part…