ATTN: Benny aka chubs and Cryan aka bikerboy

give me the run down on the E36

i want the good

i want the bad

i want the ugly

da fuck

He’s buying one

no one said anything just yet. im not jumping knee deep into shit without knowing that the shit isnt kramers and its in fact his mothers.


Who wants to go play ding-dong-ditch at deadbeatbearwhatever’s house tonight!!!?!?!

haha already caught the little man doing that remember.

I’m down!

I’ll get leo as well

wow thanks for the information! asshats!

What do you want to know exactly? What are you doing with the car? And why am I “Biker Boy” now?

i was looking at maybe getting an e36 if i can sell the gti. i wanted to know if this is a bad idea or not. tell me what to look for ect ect

last name biker boy

You can either get one for cheap and it’ll be old and hooptie, or you can spend $13-15k on a mint one and it’ll be old and nice. For $15+k you can also have an E46 M3. Unless you like old hoopties, the E36 doesnt make sense unless you have some other purpose than just a fun DD.

Great cars but definitely a project to keep them in pristine DD condition.

If you want a fun car to rip around in though, do it up. Just be prepared to maintain it or it will bite you in your ass.

Dont let Benny scare you, he thinks oil changes and brake pads are big maintenance events. It will take no more work and $ than your GTI.

Don’t park it in a swamp.

Eh, there are so many better options for a DD. I would not buy am E36.


keep it away from guardrails too, shit’s like a magnet

price is no issue, deadbeatbearwhatever is the Bill Gates of Shift518.

Expect to end up paying 14k for a good one.

Assuming you get a 14k one that’s pristine, or a 10k one that needs 4k in maintenance.

i have found them from 8-11k. there is one in the want ad for like 11k that has 68k and looks nice.

this is all predicated upon the sale of my gti.

evohs are still $$$$ so its either this or a big turbo gti 20th or 337