Attn Cell phone gurus

Which is the best blackberry to get? I have Verizon. Available models are the
8130 Pearl, 8703e, 8830 world edition, 8330 Curve and the new storm 9530.
Basically i just need to check emails and play on the moble internet.

I like the curve because it’s pretty small and it doesn’t have the shitty touch screen like the storm. If you like new bells and whistles, get the storm. If you prefer something smaller and still gets the job done, get the curve.

don’t get the pearl or something without a full keyboard, typing anything on them is such a PITA. the 8703 and 8830 are bigger than the curve.

Wait another one or two months until the bold comes out

not trying to thread jack, but i just got a 8830 world edition a month ago, i had one and to get a new one because of a service recall…anyway, i was thinking about picking up a a new storm, my buddy works for verizon and told me most of the issues have been fixed, if u want it, ill sell it to you for like $150ish

No thanks, my contract is up actually. I can get any of the blackberrys for $50 or the storm for $149 when i renew my contract.

i like the world edition, has more features then ill ever need. the storm is real nice too, and there is a lot of good apps for it now too.

8830 world doesnt have a camera…thats the only difference really. If you’re feeling feminine this evening the curve would be a good choice. If you you feel like making bad decisions tonight, go with the storm teasing darkstars taint with your tongue.

I have the curve and really like it. The deciding factor for me was the camera on the curve, I use it a lot more than I thought I would and it actually takes a damn good picture for a camera phone.

The Storm is terrible. Very slow, keyboard is a PITA. My company phone is a storm and it’s the worst phone I’ve had. Great potential - terrible execution. Everyone at work that has gotten one has regretted it. Been using blackberries for years and liked the World Edition best, the storm the least.

heard the exact same thing

I had the pearl (tmobile), my mom has the world, my last phone was the curve and my current is the storm. Honstly I have no problem with the storm. I love it. but if you don’t like the storm, get the curve

I was playing with the storm a little bit today at the mall, seems pretty nifty plus they have the offer where if you get the storm you also get any of the other blackberries for free. Im leaning toward the storm at the moment.

put the latest beta OS on the storm and it becomes a different animal, mine has been solid and I got my phone release day.

I have a storm, and I don’t have any complaints.

We’ve got more than 40 of the Storms floating around. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY is happy with them. Even after updating the OS, they eventually slow down and get real lethargic. No matter what you do, the keyboard is absolutely awful. It is by far the worst keyboard I have ever touched. If you’re a heavy email user, the Storm is a disaster. It is so terribly inaccurate compared to the 8830 or virtually any other phone we’ve ever used that it’s not eve open for debate. That’s why the price dropped so dramatically. Even Verizon knows it’s a complete dud. We’ve had Storms here starting before the official release and general availability date.

using any stripped down policies on the bes?

I can second that Verizon admits the storm is garbage.

I was up in the air about the Storm, but I went with the Omnia instead. Are you set on a BlackBerry or would you consider a diff. smartphone?

a guy i work with has a storm and he hates it. all it does is freeze and runs slow.

couple of my friends have the storm, and love it. idk how much emailing they do, but it can do a lot of things. there are so many apps out for it, and more just keep coming. the keyboard just takes some getting used to, but is not as easy to use are the curve. neither of my friends have had problems with the lag but every phone is different i guess. i would get one if i had the chance, but then again, i wouldnt use it as much from a business standpoint.