BB Storm

Nice! I’m going to get this or the Javelin

im skeptical, but excited.

Wait wheres the trackball? Im with evolve on this one im kinda sketchy , I can no play brick breaker without it!

yeah idk, seems rly awesome, its going to have a lot of great features, idk if im going to be into the touch tho…

With the shit RIM’s been talking about the IPhone they need this to be awesome to avoid looking stupid. I’m just a bit worried they’re rushing it. Either way, barring any major issues with it, I’ll probably be picking it up shortly after it comes out.

Looks like the Sprint Instinct

No WiFi? That sucks, I think I’ll be waiting for the bold to hit Verizon.

Personally, I think it’s hilarious how Verizon now has visual voicemail and is hyping up all their touch screen phones. If they would have just taken the iPhone in the first place, they wouldn’t be in this mess.

I wouldn’t hold your breath.

Well I don’t want to buy something just to buy it, and unfortunately, every Verizon phone at this point blows compared to the iPhone…


I am just to see finally they are trying to compete and not just bashing it. I have yet to see a similar phone tho. They all seem to be crippled in someway or another esp since it runs Verizons software which lets you install nothing on your own.

Does any of the new phones for verizon have WiFi? From what I remembered, even the Treo on Verizon did not have WiFi even tho it did on other providers.

Tell me what is comparable to the iPhone on Verizon…I am out of contract on Verizon with a shitty 2 year old flip phone because I don’t see a single phone that I like other than the curve which is pretty much outdated


Does apple not run its own software? Does it not lock down the device in some way or another? Does it not require hacking?

How is that any different?

The i760 has wifi.

Back to the Storm.

i dont care enough to sell you on a phone. i dont work at VZW retail anymore. If you want to be sold, go to a store.

I will however, continue to laugh at iphone humpers.

The curve is hardly outdated. lol.

That was the position I was in. I just got bored with their phones and moved on. I wanted WiFi, third gen data, and a cool looking phone.

I think 2 verizon phones have WiFi and wasn’t into blackberrys.

We get into this discussion every time. Its not that there are iPhone humpers. Granted, there are people who will jump all over anything with a Apple logo on it but for most people, its the fact that it is the most modern phone out right now and any other provider has yet to produce something that even compares. I actually tried other touch screen phones before using this one and they just arent as fluid and slick and lacked features.

Then with the AppStore and FREE applications and games (I think Song ID and Mobile IM was the only Verizon free apps which also costed you data transfer fees to even download), its tough to compare right now. The only thing that I see that will cause a buzz is once Android comes out on phones and gets noticed. Right now the phone they have is pretty ugly IMO but I am interested to see how that takes off

You don’t have to be an iPhone humper to realize it has some of the best software out there.

Not only do you have a nice looking phone with a quality touch screen (not this shit you see on the voyager and such) but you have the App Store that is filled with thousands of applications to enhance functionality.

And as far as I’m concerned, as soon as the blackberry bold is out on AT&T, the curve is old news.

Edit: Haha boxxa, we think alike

:bigclap: finally someone sees beyond “OMG APPLE HUMPERZ”


you only get data fees if you dont have a data plan

apple requires you to pay for a data plan, no matter if you use it or not.

VZW offers vcast for $15, or pay as you go for $1.99/mb…

I thought this was a Backberry thread?