ATTN: Computer savy people

HRK beat all you noods chasers to the punch …

hard drive makes hard drive noises, but teh computer wont bring it up in “my computer”

had her swap the jumper around and restart, no dice

might be time to ship it of for borg assimilation


As I said all along, hes a good boy just LET THE BOY SEE YOUR NOODS. God. I try to be nice and no one fucking listens.


Fried, like the chicken the coloreds love so much.

Everytime you let that thing spin, there’s less and less chance you cna get something off of it. If it has an MBR written to it, you’ll prolly have to try your hand at knoppix, or let someone who knows what they’re doing have it. You’ll just have to deal with someone else looking at your midget-tranny-sheisse pr0n.