ATTN: Computer savy people

So, about 2 months ago my computer sort of crashed. I never got it fixed, never took the harddrive out (because I don’t know how), blah blah. I have tons of pictures and music files on said computer that I really really want to save.

But today I found a “System Restoration” CD - if I put that in, do I lose all the files that were on my harddrive? What does this CD do?

it restores your system to exactly the way it was when you bought it. you lose everything.


Ok, so how do I take the harddrive out and put it in a different computer?

send your hard drive to me… after jan 16 and i will fix it for you.

i don’t want you to see my n00ds.

He’s a good guy just let the boy see your noods :tup:


what exactly was wrong with it? does it just not boot at all? or did the hd shit the bed? etc. If it isnt a bad HD I could fix it. I’ve been doing tech shit and repairs and builds for the past like 6 years…

…but then again I’m also new to the forum and don’t know you, so I’m sure you know plenty of the IT guys on the site as well

Can I have mine back after that date? Whats the deal with that thing anyway?

dude. that thing is bound to work sooner or later. ill get on that when i get back from vaca. promise.

:lol: Locutus sig

If you touch my wee wee I’ll save all the info for you

PS. omguhotletzsecks

He’s a good guy just touch the boy’s wee wee.

If windows just no longer works than it should be simple and several people including myself could fix it. If the drive doesn’t work Locutus will dig up all your n00ds + the ones you thought you deleted.

yeah you deffinitely can dig up even deleted files.

That sounds like the Hurlihy Boy skit on SNL.

dawn, i can probably fix your stupid thing. bring your computer over. i request one virgin as payment.

psh. that’s a newman sig that was stolen!


  1. unscrew hard drive from case
  2. unplug hard drive
  3. possibly change jumper
  4. reverse steps 2 and 1 into new computer

works most of the time. hell u dont even have to have it screwed in. just leave it hanging by the wires. lol

Locutus, stop stealing Newman’s sigs :ham:

haha. you got it.