Attn: Eurodad

need more deer jerkey and Dino’s wings


coming to JJ’s tomorrow?? :x:

not today. just got back from the doc. i have bronchitis. :frowning:

im only there tues/thurs :smiley: keep note for future refrance


come on mondays,wedsdays & fridays!!!mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :yum:having some now! :itr41:

what do i get out of it?

its all gone now :crying:

it’s all sammy’s fault. your gonna have to start lockin it up when you leave. i have a new batch brewing. i have to wait and see if it needs more heat.


I’ll let you take sam up the junkyard for a lil :bj:


yumm dino’s sweet and hott yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmy