Attn: Females of Pittspeed


in that case,

Jenn, looks like your weekend plans have been foiled

right, because intellegent people can differentiate the difference between busting balls on the internet and a real beef. I assumed you were intellegent enough to tell the difference, and I was right. You’re not the sort of moron that would kick the bumper off someone’s car cause they were trying to have a little fun. :kekegay:


Oh my fucking god… this thread is going down in history.

Yeah. There were like 5 people at that BBQ that were supposed to “fuck me up”. Yet me being such a pussy drove 6 hours to show up, and left with only the bruises I got from Sleeper running me over in football. God I’m such a bitch.

he up set my daughter,thats why i was pissed fuck,think about it!

just like ur so cool in this thread!

just bring it boy!

I wasnt even going to drag you into all of this. You’re far too cute and innocent to be wrapped up in such debauchery.

actually i was planning on going to OCMD if i get a free weekend and I seriously going to see what all this Darkstar stuff is about

so you kicked his bumper? :hsugh:
it was a harmless prank. I’m sure his intention wasn’t to upset your daughter.


You’re more than welcome to. If you do, drinks are on me. :slight_smile:

:love: back atcha :smiley:


that would be much funnier if

  1. I could read it

  2. It were actually funny


one more for those poor, deprived ladies… and Quik.

edit: hold on a sec

i think im scared

you’re hairy

What? Nothing wrong with a very healthy and active sex life… keeps you in shape and keeps you young.

BAHAHAHAHA !!! You poor thing

I do love this picture of u and all ur friends though…:bowrofl: