ATTN: Fishtank People

Yeah… it’s been a while…


Last night I was watching my fish, and I noticed all these little tiny, almost microscopic white worms all along the waterline inside the tank. They looked like some type of little parasitic worms, to my disgust.

I’ve never noticed them before, and I’m always inspecting the damn tank.

Only time I’ve seen such a thing was when I had a live plant in a betta bowl.
No live plants are in the tank.

Anyone know what this is, if they’re bad, and how I get rid of them?

Any help is greatly appreciated-before all my fish die.

sea monkeys, soon they’ll begin constructing primitive huts along the bottom. Eventually they will evolve to a more advanced civilization than even humans, develop a technology to overthrow all of WNY. DESTROY THEM NOW!!

yeah, it sounds like something that may have evolved for a single cell organism

document it, and put it on PBS


macro macro!


AIDS?!! Those whores!!! I knew my puffer and cichlid were gettin’ it on.

They’re so tiny I can’t even macro them.


I dunno…

i think the medicine you need is called maricin.

go to any fish store. tell them what kind of fish you have and they will give you the right stuff.

is it saltwater? bristleworms maybe… i always try to avoid medicine unless it’s a last resort. maybe there’s some sort of shrimp, crab, or lobster that will take care of them. maybe they’re not a bad thing.

if its saltwater tank its normal, they will be all over the bottom

Freshwater. But thanks guys.

Not quite sure, but I’d talk to someone at either Markheim’s or The Fish place about what’s going on.

Never seen that before; only thing white that i’ve ever seen in a freshwater setup would be ick.

maybe it residu from the fish food?

^ I wouldn’t doubt it. perhaps there were eggs or something on the food, and they hatched when they got in the water.

Nematodes. I had them in my Oscar tank once. Luckily my fiance’s father was the head of the Biology department at JCC and had a Masters in Marine Biology. That’s what he said they were. You’re not going to be able to kill them by adding stuff to the water. You’ve got to do a full water change. Also, you have to either replace everything in the tank or boil all the decorations and stuff, and bake the gravel.

Look a bit like this guy? 4-5mm long?

That sucks…

ugh yes. but 5million times smaller. greeeeat.

that’s alot of freaking work…bake the gravel huh? oh boy…i changed the filter yesterday and just the thought of those things made me want to puke.

maybe they’ll just go away (crosses fingers)…shhh.