ACK! help! I've got wormy things in my fish tank

Idk what those are. I just noticed these 5 minutes ago. Is it normal for tanks to get these or are they going to kill my fishies?

Theyre tiny, theyre only like 2-3mm long, but i can see that theyre segmented, greenish in color and have a black head.

clean your tank more often.

If you let the black heads touch the fish, they will die

fuck that shit! get them fuckers out of there!

see, idk if theyre beneficial or not. so i dont know if i should pull em out and squish them. where’s Bobby?

beneficial?!?!? Yeah right, they’re going to kill your fish.

i just dont like the idea of worms in a fishtank, fuck it, you were doing fine without them right?

are you feeding the fish dried meal worms? maybe you got a batch of not so dry ones

put pennies in there… it will get rid of them

:rofl really?

quit stickin your dick in the tank… those shits’ll crawl up your penis

+1 for pennies in the tank… put some copper tubing in too or anything with motor oil on it

haha no… just kidding, one of my teachers had a hugggge fish tank and a bunch of kids threw pennies in there one friday… she came back monday and found alll the fish dead…she was a complete bitch

thats kinda like how in elem. school one kid fed our chicks their lunch, we had one left after that day and a bunch of screaming crying kids hahahaha

HAHA that’s great!!!

That story sucked, and may have not been true.

ok w/e

She had a big ol FUPA and BITF as well so she deserved it


i have cats, so i feed them sinking pellets. i heard about copper in fish tanks. ill do some reading about fresh water tanks and copper, but i know that its not a good idea for salt water or brakish water

roflmao wow