ACK! help! I've got wormy things in my fish tank

Nuke um

what, just like put the whole tank in the microwave? :lol

poor battery acid in your tank

What were they? Are they gone? WTF!?

maybe its only fish poop…**http%3A//

Get LaDuke on here, He’s been working at Eddies fish store for a few years . I’m sure he knows.


well, i thought it was snail poop, but when they started to move around, i was like ,yea, poop doesnt move like that.

he said whats in his tank is only 2-3mm long… that doesn’t sound like what they are describing in the link… right??? :confused

i WISH! those are salt water worms. theyre tube worms. theyre filterfeeders and are harmless. mine are like tiny tiny catterpillars.


That page kinda has a few similar things to what you’re talking about…

  • Medium thick wormy thing with black head: 4-5mm long. Looks a little like a grub with no legs, yellow-white body, black grublike head. It’s probably the larva of some type of water beetle.

Danger: none.

  • Water beetles: generally, water beetles mean the underwater (not surface) swimming beetles which have piercing mouth parts and can grow up to 4" long. They have a dark brown or black shell, their legs stick out very little when viewed from the top. THEY BITE. Also called “toe biters” as swimmers most often encounter them when they are stepped on.

Danger: will eat small fish (under 1") and water insects. Can bite people. Handle with care. Handle by using thumb and finger to pinch on the sides of the shell so you will be well away from their mouth.

i added some water in hopes that they will float down and the fish will pick them up. ill see if they’re around today. i usually sit in front of my tank looking around for a while a couple of days a week just to check on things.
I also posted on from looking online i see ppl getting white worms. i really wish i had a microscope. id actually be able to get much better photos of them that way and bring em to a pet store. ill see if i can find something cheap on ebay.

I don’t think the white worms they get are the same thing as what you have. That’s like a paracite. Are they attacking your fishies?

no, actually. they were not even interacting with each other. they sorta hung out on the glass crawling in figure 8’s just above the waterline. they didnt make any attempts to get into the water or get far from it. they were on the glass where theres still some water film, they were also hanging out under the light. there was about 7 of them there. i managed to get one out without smushing it and put it on my fingertip to look at it under a zoom lens. it stopped moving around, but i think it was just pretending to be dead. i looked at it for a while then just smeared it on the piece of plexiglass i have sitting under the tank. I’m hoping those are from like a waterbeetle or something. cuz if one appears in the tank the cats will get it. theyre pretty agressive for some reason. they scarfed one of my tiny shrimp i had in there. the bamboo shrimp is too big for them to eat, so thats good. i wana get a LARGE tank that Bobby has so I can maybe make a waterproof webcam case for it and plop that in the tank and just leave a feed on the net. like the ones on winamp. it’d be pretty neat.

Well if you had a water beetle in there before, it would make sense those are probably it’s babies, no?

i never had one in there. i DID however handle one like a month ago, but I didnt touch my tank for days. so its unlikely its from that one. The damn thing landed on my car when i jsut got done washing it, and i didnt wana mush it, so i picked it up and put it in a jar of water outside.

Who have fish as pets? srsly? They don’t respond to you, they swim, eat, and die…and cost money :ahh

They do respond to you, and they are calming. :slight_smile:

surround the tank with red underglow and they will internally combust.

i just looked at the tank. theres 7 of them. theyre different in length, so theyre obviously slightly different in age. the biggest one appears to be eating the calcium on the side of the tank. my snails do that for the shells, but why would a squishy wormy need it? they got nothing like bone. at most they have is chitin