ACK! help! I've got wormy things in my fish tank

get a small bowl and put them in that. at least seperate them until you know more. And if they do at least do anything benefital (doubt it) put them back.

Stop jerkin into your tank


Here’s the reply I got from

“Hello Vadim: I would collect as many as those as you can and discard them. I would also watch the tank closely for any signs of those worms… if you see them on the fish, etc I would treat the tank with flukes tablets… They look like something akin to an anchor worm… and that would not be good for your tank. If you use the fluke meds take the snails and catfish out of the tank. dave
Please keep me posted to your progress with your fish and if you have further questions please do not hesitate to ask me…dave”

I guess theyre coming out today. I’m gonna need to watch the tank over the weekend to see if any more of them are around.