with all this fish tank talk it got me wondering why we have a thread about everything on shift but not fishtanks? so why the hell not post them up too!!
My 55 Gallon. The big silver guy is almost 12". Its a Silver arrowana. BADASS fish. I bought him from eddies about 5 months ago and he was about 5"…yes, in 5 months he more then doubled his size!
His names Damion BTW (which is the son of the devils name)
I also have a 10" Pleco (which you can see in the first two pics on the back glass behind the filter) and a 10" Tire Track eel. He is hiding in the stump some where. If you look in the second pic hard enough under the big rocks, you can see his head sticking out with his little beedie eyes. Also, in most the pics you can see my Needle Nose gar at the top of the tank.
nice dude! I have like those same fish in my girlfriends 38 gallon in the kitchen. We have a Albino Oscar thats pretty big and a few ciclid’s (sp) and what not.
How is that Wolf fish? I almost bought one last week from eddies.
I like the Wolf fish alot, but they are pretty lethargic and dont do a hell of alot. They also dont seem to eat anything besides live food, which is good and bad. Bad if you have some lil ni9s in the tank. I had the Wolf and the 2 Oscars in the 18G, and he took a chunk out of the dorsal fin, so I separated em. They are a wicked cool fish, they can actually live outside the tank for like 2hrs and walk!! He jumped out of the tank one night and was walking on my carpet, kinda freaky… :lol
I got mine from Eddies too, not too bad of a price
all my fish in the 55gallon eat live food also…even the two Catfish!!!
But I have kind of leaded them over to eating krill and frozen fish because Live fish from pet stores can carry parasites and give your fish internal parasites in their stomaches.
My Arowana east anything that floats. I feed him live crickets, dried Krill, Dried fish etc…I have caught flies around the house and thrown them in there and he jumps out of the water and gets them out of mid air…pretty badass lol
Thats sick! My Oscars are actually the most aggressive fish I have, I threw 4 feeders in there and they chased them down and ate em in about 30 seconds lol. Ive also been hand feeding them bloodworms, they jump out of the tank for em, pretty cool fish, and WICKED smart.
stop feeding them live fish. They will live a short life because of head rot. The feeder fish give them a bacterial skull disease and exactly what its called is how it looks…head rot. I had a oscar that I got when he was about 4" and I fed him feeder fish for 5 years, he grew to almost a foot and all through his life he had head rot. I was too dumb then to know anything about it but I would treat the disease, it would go away and come back twice as bad. They are holes in the head. Its nasty.
La Dukey dukey can tell you more on this im sure.,
Ive heard of the disease, but I always thought it was due to shitty water conditions and bad meals. Ill hafta stop giving em that, I know they LOVE crickets though!
Yes, this is true. Also known as “Hole in the Head Disease”. Looks like little crators in there head. Feeders make fish more aggressive as well. So best if you try to get them over on frozen or pellet food. Will keep there color as well as make them grow quicker!.