20G-L Tank/Wolf Fish

20G Long Tank
20G HOB Filter
Gravel can go with it if ya want it
Looking to get $35 for it, great for a 1st time aquarium person, easy to maintain!

Im pretty sure Ive finally decided to sell the Wolf Fish as well, I have all predatory tanks and really want to try something different out. Hes about 9’’ or so, and is a Hoplis Malabaricus Wolf. He will ONLY eat live food(tuffies or rosy reds, with an occasional goldfish feeder here and there-goldfish arent very good for them). Hes a bottom dweller, and is very cool to watch eat! Im looking to get $50 for him(which is pretty cheap), and Id rather not have him go in anything less than a 30G, so Id like to see what setup you have before selling him.

Thanks for lookin.

Im looking to start a nice live aquarium myself, I used to have one in my old house and i loved it and i’d really like to start one with some nice fish and plant wild life in it. need allll the advise i can get. Nothing that will only eat live food.

You plan on doing freshwater? Id suggest it as a beginner, ALOT easier to do, and much cheaper. How big do you want to go with it, and what kinda fish?

Decent size to house 5-6 fish of a good size comfortably. Not like 200 gallons or anything but not a fish bowl. Fresh water yeah because i dont know much but, kinda exotic and nice, not gold fish and betas here lol.

Hmm, there are so many options as to what you oculd do. If I were you I might do a pair of Tiger Oscars(awesome fish, alot like dogs lol), and maybe 5-7 tiger barbs in a 55G. Both are pretty easy to care for, and wont drop dead if you make a small mistake lol, not to mention they look pretty damn cool, and very active!

I just googled Wolf Fish, OMG scary.

Haha, yeah buddy! They aint for the faint of heart

2 oscars and barbs in a 55g?! whatt did i read that wrong?

a 55 is barely big enough for one oscar, and the barbs would get eaten but i agree, they are amazing animals. they are so smart but the down side is they grow FAST, eat ALOT and make such a mess, (shitting and spitting chewed food out of thir gills). some are very picky but it is well worth it

My arowana almost killed my oscar so the oscar is now living his life in a 55 gallon. He is 12". sucks for him.

Juvenile Oscars I mean, not full grown 14"+ ones lol. I had 2 4-5" Tiger O’s, and 7 Tiger barbs in my 55G with no issues. Now in my 55 I have 1 Tiger Oscar, which isnt growing real quick, or at least to me, 1 Tinfoil Barb, and a Pleco. Works out good b/c when I feed the Oscar krill, and it comes out his gills, the Tinfoil eats everything up.

My oscar is ridiculously smart, knows who I am, always comes to the tank to see me and I tought him to be hand fed. Coolest fish Ive ever owned

my oscar is dumb as shit

if it wasnt my girls, and she wouldnt freak out everytime my arowana had her mouth in his mouth, I would let them fight until the death which would be a quick one for the oscar. Dumb ass fish!

I put him in my 125 gallon, and as soon as he is in there for attacks my arowana, bumping him, biting him thinking he is tough shit…my arowana eventually snapped, had her whole head in his mouth (she is 12" mind you) and Jennie screamed, scared the arowana so he let go as im sitting there laughing and he was missing flesh on his head and I could see his skull. Dumb fish!

:rofl They can be pretty dumb at times. It amazes me that they cant figure out that they can just share the space and swim around without trying to kill eachother.