post your fish tanks!

My old 150gal saltwater. Im shocked this thing didnt fall through the floor of my house being on the 2nd floor of a 120 year old structure.
humu humu trigger
dalmatian puffer
porcupine puffer

There’s an iguana living in my fish tank now.

Phail :gtfo

everything died in mine after that major power outage we had last winter. its been dry since. subscribed for more pics though!


Hey, it was for a good cause.

:lmao Touche


Actually, he’s living in my old fish tank so that he didn’t become BBQ trying to keep warm. Go eat someone else’s lizzard Bennah. :tongue

Trogdor=dinner within two weeks.

heres a quick new video of my new 125 gallon fish tank…

cool fish bro

Nice lookin tank! Those arowana’s are huuuge!

I love when you first show the silver guy. He looks at the cam, hes saying “go ahead, try me.” :lol

Trogdor is badass, and he fucks with ron. I vote against eating him.