picked up a 125 aquarium, stand and everything yesterday. Came with about 60 Kribensis cichlids, 3 cory cats, pictus cat fish and 2 plecos. Also have lots of live plants, decorations… Will post pics later when I finish getting it setup.
Nice. 2 stroke?
Good shit man, I want a 125 soo bad
I was going to wait till I moved, but I couldn’t pass up the price. 400 bucks for everything.
Nice. Im a bit jealous, I dont have room for something that big, much less a stand that would hold its weight lol
nice man. Looks like you got the thin style glass one. That helped save alot of weight right there, trust me lol
To be honest I’m not exactly sure what it weights. I know with the gravel in it my friend and I could barely carry out to the truck and neither of us are scrawny. It’s a nice tank but I’m happiest about getting all the driftwood with plants grown on it.
I can tell by the pics its a 1/2" thick tank. Tank is light lol
mine is 3/4". Me and my dad could barely move it…and my dad is a pretty big dude. We had to push it up the stairs.
Ugh 3/4" glass SUCKS. My 150 gallon had to weigh over 300lbs easily.
^damn ill stick with my 30 gal but sweet setup!!!
Those kribenses fuck like rabbits .
Definetly the guy went from a single breeding pair to easily 60 something in about 2.5 years. However most of the fish became oscar and red devil food. I kept the 12 largest for that tank and put 6 in my 60 gallon and gave the rest to a friend of mine.
DAYUM… you must be really strong to be able to pick that up!
jk, looks siick man. enjoy it
hah yea usually how it goes .
WOW. I’d love to have a tank like that some day. The smaller tanks are nice too, but it’s hard to beat a bathtub sized one.
If you can find the room for the larger tanks thats the way to go in my opinion. I paid 400 for this setup and that is a very good deal, but you can normally find something similar for not too much more. It’s actually easier to take care of too.
Yea, I read that if its a larger tank the changes occur slower and are easier to catch and reverse before harming fish or plants. I’d like a large(120+ gal size) bow salt water tank at some point, but that’s a few grand. I love sitting in front of those big tanks and watching the fish.
Yes salt water is big money and much higher maintenance. I would like to do a saltwater tank someday though.
They are absolutely gorgeous though. I badly want to buy a small one with that straberry colored shrimp with the white stripes. Just like a small bowl type.