We got a 75 gal aquarium for Christmas & I know some of you have them also. No fish yet, still cycling the water. Might add another filter and get the bacteria built up now before the fish are in. We’re going to go with African cichlids (Lake Malawi). This is the pre-fish picture.

Nice…I’ve always wanted a ballerish fish tank and have like a gold fish in there or something like it. I’m not big of fish kinds.
nice Jeff!
cool tank man, i have a 35 gallon with a Red Bellied Pacu in it
sweet setup. I got a brand new Marineland Magnum 350 for $90 if you want it. Its the pro setup w/ biowheels…great for your cichlid tank. Looks like you made the appropriate choice using crushed coral for your substrate to keep that PH nice and high. We got 90 cichlid tanks at my work to choose from. I can give you a hefty discount on some if you would like. That emperor 400 filter will do ok during the beginning but can’t compete in conjunction w/ a mag350, it holds almost a pound of carbon.
wow looks like I’ll be talking to zex when I move into my house about fish tanks.
I just setup my 75gal saltwater tank.
So far only got 2 Percula clowns, dragon wrasse, Green bahama star and some hermits. I am going to be picking up about 30lbs of base rock this week and 30lbs of live rock as well.
I think i am going to be building a 20gal sump for the tank as well. and add a refugeim in the sump to help with biological filtration.
I also got a 20gal tank in my other room that is my Octopus tank. I should be picking that up this weekend. IF the fish store got my order in.
Oh yea…you can get those Marinland penguin 350 Hang on filters for 26.99 at petsmart…just bring in a print out of their webpage of the price. I have a 350 and a Emperor 400 on the tank now…the 400 is 43bucks at petsmart as well.
If you want really good filtration…get a EHIM canister filters or a fluval.
hahah first off, there is absolutely NO WAY a mag 350 is 28.99. 2nd of all noob, I been doing saltwater for 8 years professionally importing some of the most exotic species of aquatic life, shit you will NEVER see. 3rd, if you want a superior deal on base cured live rock come see ,me. $3.00/lb, $4.99 for awesome some awesome coraline Fiji rock. BTW…better get the green caulerpa out of your tank or it will eventually overcome, smother, and kill your live rock. Just saved you $100 right there
LOL…sorry i am no noob…i been pissin around with saltwater for 15years
If you woulda read I said the penguin 350 for 26.99…Dont have any caluerpa in the tank…that was an old pic.
What do i care about some of your exotic stuff you can get. I will stick with Elmers who I have gone to for the past 15years. I just got back into it after not having a tank for a long time. Seems everyone gotta know everything when someone tries to help someone with getting a few filters on there to help out for cheap.
like i said before, its a magnum 350, not penguin 350. The mag 350 is a complete casinster style filter-BIG difference. Go overpay at elmers for some dead white fiji rock. Its hard to explain to the blind how salwater is supposed to look I guess. Come check us out. I can honestly save you $100’s - $1000’s of dollars. Its like buy rotten fruit from Giant Eagle and not knowing its rotten b/c you never seen that type of fruit fresh before. What type of lighting you got?
EDIT: BTW, hope you are making more progress w/ cars in 15 years than the tank, b/c that SW tank is about comparable to a Pinto.
LOL…once again…I know what i said. I said the penguin 350 for something cheap on there to get things going.
Ok so where do you work that is the all mighty fish store and has everything. and nothing is better then what you got.
jeff thats pimp
ZEX - where do you work at? I’d like to check out the cichlids.
I’m probably going to put another Emperor 400 on, although a canister would be nice. $$ sure adds up quick!
both of u pm’d
bump for African Cichlids. nothing like fish nerds in a heated discussion! no, just kidding! ZEX, def. knows his shit. we should get a pic thread going of some phatty tanks.
put largemouth bass in it
:bowrofl: :bowrofl:
im def gonna put around a 50 gal in my basement kinda built in… like when your in the seating area all you see is the tank built into the wall… but in the laundry room or something you actually can get to the tank…
jeff yours looks awesome. now get those fishy bastards in there
Then you can go fishing.