Attn: Friends/Brothers/People that want to beat me up

I’ll be back in town this weekend. Will probably be hanging around Kittanning most of the time, but I might be able to sneak away for a wing/coffee meet.


we are going to the Pitt game on Saturday, you are more then welcome to come… give me a call when you get into to town bitch

fo sho mah nga

i guess i’d hang out with you… if i’m forced to.

me too, although I’ve still never met you

x2. I think we are all going to get drenched.

whatever, faggot.


I have videos too return

I don’t have time to kick your ass this weekend. Have a bachlor party, then some riding to do.

Take a rain check?

Maybe I can pencil you in if you call in advance next time. 3 week minimum.


Bacheloret party more like it and u arn’t riding this weekend…i stole valve stems:bowrofl:

whats that psuedo-mod?

Were you speaking?

:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :booty:


:rofl: Patrick Bateman

dont lie. They’re yours. Blockbuster doesn’t rent out hooked on phonics.
