I'm Gonna Be In The 'Burgh....

so i’m coming to pittsburgh tomorrow…anything exciting going on?? i know it’s been awhile since i’ve been on here and i haven’t talked to anybody in awhile, but i figured i’d let the fact be known. i’m driving up monday night (dec. 27) after work and will be staying until friday morning (dec. 31). if anybody feels like welcoming a stranger/enemy (lol), let me know. if not…just watch out for this and make a “SPOTTED” post:


merry belated christmas and happy new years!

wtf is that??

ahh its a toyota…looked on ur cardomain site

are people going to Buffalo Wild Wings in Monroeville on Tuesday Night?

we could greet (haze) the cincy guy there…

haha…greet (haze)…that’s the spirit!!

if people are gonna get together there and want to greet (haze) me, then let me know…and leave an address and time so i can find my way down there in time.

I’ll be at 7 springs

i guess i forgot to mention…i’ll be in these areas:

robinson township, kennedy township, sewickley, carnegie, green tree, north hills, and various other places…

its prolly gonna be cold and snowy

Come check out Domination Chassis in Carnegie.

Well, at least he isn’t from Cleveland. The Browns suck!!! Go steelers!!!

I live in robinson and will be off most of the week if you want to meet up for some lunch!

Goodluck Rich!!! We will miss you and you better be back for new years… :smiley:

:grouphug: NO!!!

I’m not sure who all is going this week. I know me and jenn will not be there due to getting the house ready and stocking up the bar for friday night.

he is from cinccy…soo he prob. doesnt like the browns…i bet he is a fan of the bengals…idk…just thinking that

if you bring girlycivic with you, i’ll come hang out…

hahaha…bring girlycivic with me…sorry but she’s got a boyfriend now so i doubt any of you will have any luck with her. plus, she just got a new job so i doubt she’d be able to get off to come with me…so sorry…hahaha…

whitey, i’ll try and get ahold of you when i get up there. i should have access to the internet so i’ll pm or aim you.

see ya in a few hours…muahahaha…

damn, i woulda driven up to participate in the train running.

chooooo chooooo!


sewickley ? sewickley suxors !!!