ATTN: Hard-Ass Vespa rider...

There is a good chance that you’re on here, or that someone knows you.

Your vespa is NOT a hog on the open road…

You don’t look like a badass when you ride your vespa like this:

(Dude rides with his ass hanging off the rear of the passenger seat, his head down and his feet ALLL the way forward. It looks super hard to ride, and dude seems SUPER sketchy on turns.)

You might say that he doesn’t care what people think… maybe not… but he is trying pretty hard to look like a badass as he mean mugged the shit out of me while i rode by on my bicycle…

For reference, the correct Vespa posture. (complete with abused wife on the back taking her to the grocery store to buy egggs for your mother-fucking omlette)

Vespas are for FGGTs.

Did he have 2 small round headlights?

only real men drive vespas

lol @ picturing you pedaling by faster than him.


idk. his scooter was white.

PS: calling vespas MOPEDS really pisses off vespa owners.

Could he have been just fucking with you?

I would find it pretty difficult to look hard on a moped…

This jackass drives around west seneca on a MOPED leaning around turns and shit. He blows.

Newman, were you trying to look like a hardass on your bike?

When my brother used to live in England he would laugh at all of the hard asses that drove scooters.
Once in a while a Harely would drive by and all of the hard ass scooter boys would act like little kids on Christmas

haha sounds like a rant i had last year on Dubsinthebuff…

yep. this is true! ask the designer of Ferrari


He really has that riding posture all the time. I have seen him at least 6 times around buffalo.

Dude must picture himself on a stretched chopper w/drag bars and FWD controls.

so, who wants to buy my motorized bicycle which is obviously so much cooler than said vespa?

I like scooters, but don’t ride them like a chopper.

Throw a stick in his spokes.


aka percy

people pimp out their vespas here. some of them look like they dumped more than the purchase price into them…

lol. when i was browsing for that generic vespa pic i saw one w/ a TV glassed into it.

no really… it probably is.

:lol: Newman, thanks for sharing. I was laughing my ass off. Where and when did this shit go down? This is funny as hell to me. I’ll seriously take a day off of work to see this fool in action.

PS can somone please, Shop that pic form the dood on the chopper and put him on a vespa? Pretty please? I need to see this!