Attn: kayakers

before i put up a WTB: kayak thread…does anyone on here kayak??? im pretty interested in that sense that it’d be fun to do on a nice day and get a decent workout…however i know NOTHING about it

anyone got tips on what im looking for when i go buy one? what other gear i might want? etc etc

thanks :tup:

they are usually easy to find in the classifieds of the paper- honest

lots of people think about taking it up, buy the gear etc… but then it goes to waste. check there for something used. oh and you want a two seater just incase you bring a chick who wants to get kayaked in the azz

I have never actually kayaked, I am more into Rowing racing shells, but my dad kayaks and canoes in recreationally and competitively, and he swears by Swift boats. And a particular oar… I will have to ask him.

Hijack: anyone row crew in HS or college, and want to pick it back up?? I was thinking of picking up a 2 or 4 person shell… but that takes more than just myself to row around in… maybe i should just find a nice skull

ive never done it, but would be interested.

Kayaking is great.

Classifieds is where its at.

There is a place on Ellicott who sells and rents too. But they are expensive even used there. Check the swap sheets.

update for those interested…i found decent ones good enough for a beginner around here for 249.99 and the aluminum paddles for 39.99 at gander mtn :tup:

i go whitewater kayaking regularly in addition to the occasional leisurely paddle, right now and i mean now is the season, albeit brief, for wny whitewater.