Anyone here go kayaking?

I’ve been wanting to for a long time now, so the girlfriend and I are gonna start this summer. It’s time i invest my money into something i’ll like ten years from now lol.

Just looking for advice and ideas on kayaks, where to get one and equipment, places to go, etc. I was looking at the Sea Eagle 330/370, good price and comes with paddles, easy storage and portability.

We’re just trying to do it as something fun and relaxing for now, so I’m looking for places with calmer waters (like little to no waves lol). Any ideas/suggestions would help though! Thanks!

go kayak off furman blvd behind the break wall. or on the river near the 190 where the water walk is, or go to lockport and kayak the canal

This is a cheap and easy way to see if this is something you will enjoy. I did it, it’s fun and I look forward to doing it more in the future. The season pass is a screaming deal.

Kayaking on open water makes me bored within 4 minutes. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great excercise, but just not exciting enough.

I’ve heard there is decent kayaking down in Cattaragus (sp?) county that isn’t too wild. It would still be a good idea to take a training course so you know how to flip the boat back over along with many other safety tips.

Little to no waves would be the Erie Canal. Most of it is no wake zone so the boats you meet will be going slow and putting up almost no wake.

Most of the kayakers I know ended up getting long boats and using them in the river around Grand Island though. Two started out with small boats in the canal but quickly got bored and wanted something more river worthy.

Out here (Niagara-Orleans border) we kayak in Oak Orchard creek. It’s relaxing but it is definetly more challenging then a canal :lol:

It’s in the woods so there is beautiful scenery but it is easily accessable aswell.

I kayak on Honeoye Lake (parents cottage) and the canal. It’s a good time. :slight_smile:

I’m just starting off so open water kayaking will be fine with me. I will definitely try out the Buffalo harbor kayaking! I’m assuming that they’d go over safety techniques and precautions before you go out on the water? Lots of these places sound really nice. I’ll start out with the Erie Canal and go from there.

Not to side step but I so much prefer canoeing to kayaking. Room for 2-3 and a cooler :tup:

I just bought a Kayak and i’m looking for some fun places to explore.

i NEED to buy one asap

Dicks has a pretty decent 10’ for 229.99. I ended up going to Gander Mt. They had a pretty decent selection.

I went from Lake Erie into the canal down towards concrete central then back. Was pretty cool to see all the abandoned buildings and such.

If anyones interested, I’ve been going pretty regularly. going tomorrow afternoon in churchville, Black creek. Hoping to do something a bit more serious on Sat…just dxoing some research to see where now.

I’m working tomorrow but I definitely want to go soon

Chubb River, next weekend. anyone down?

Actually just got home from kayaking. Will be going again tomorrow. Probably just over to grass island tomo

I picked up this Liquidlogic remix xp9 last fall. I actually finally just made my first ever white water trip in a kayak and man was it an absolute blast. I went and did a paddle in the lower Zoar Valley rapids. The water level wasn’t the best but it was still a great first time and a good teaching tool on what to expect.

Anyone on here do white water kayaking?

I have been shopping for kayaks for my gf and I. Looks like Dick’s still has that 10’ on sale for $229 and I think I might pick up a couple of those.

Fun place to check out with a little bit of a current is Oak Orchard in Medina. No rapids but just a little more exciting than your normal flat calm water. It was the first place I went with this kayak.