Kayak owners ITT

I want to pick up a kayak for myself in the very near future and was wondering if anybody on this forum is into kayaking. I’m going to get a Yakima rack for my car so I can lug the thing around during the summertime and throw my skis up there in the winter.

I’m going to check out that Adirondack Paddle & Pole place on Central tomorrow and see what they have going on over there. I’ve never really shopped for kayaks or canoes before, so if anybody can give me some tips as to what I should be looking out for, I would appreciate it.


Theres a place in Bolton landing that sells used Kayaks, Ive never checked their selection so Im not even sure if their used selection is affordable but its worth checking out.

Have you created a will by any chance? Accidents sure do happen and you wouldn’t want your best possessions going to the wrong people…

i want a kayak too, i know ron has one.

I was just reading his thread he made last year about getting one. I hope he chimes in because I am curious as to whether he went with the blow up one or not.

I don’t plan on going over Niagara, so hopefully I won’t drown while floating down a river.

Ron has a tandem kayak… hes a homo

hey man… shit happens and if you want to include me in your will and will me shit like cars, money, ect… Im not going to sit around and complain about it. Just think about it.

Yea, those things are pretty gay. :rofl

Might as well just get a canoe.

Yea but he uses it to tow Sam across bodies of water so I guess thats acceptable

Acceptable, barely.


ive been thinking about getting one for a while too

I got two. Got the second one from Dick’s as it was cheaper then the place on central

What kind is it?

When/where do you usually use them? Hit me up if you’re looking for someone to go. I haven’t used a kayak in like 5 or 6 years, lol.

I have them up at our camp in lake george so thats where it gets used. That or my pool when they are home


I’m thinking about picking this one up:


Why are you going to blow that much money on a kayak? For all you know, you may not even like it.

I got into kayaking last year and I bought this one. It’s an excellent beginner-intermediate kayak.


I got it when it was on sale July 4th weekend for $179.99, typically they run that sale annually.

Before you go and buy the kayak rack, be sure to check out Dick’s for that as well. I got a Thule Kayak rack for $50.00 (also on sale at the time I bought my Kayak)

buy one used off craigslist. Tons of people buy them thinking it’ll be fun, never use them, and then after they collect dust in the garage for a few years they sell them cheap.


First of you have to think what are you looking to do with it?

just paddle around on ponds and lakes?
Go long distances on rivers and streams?

Wider/shorter kayaks offer more stability and slower speeds.
long/narrow kayaks are built for going faster and for long trips.

I would say as a beginner stay in the 10-13’ range and anywhere between 25" and29" wide.

If you want a seriously good deal go to any local Dick’s sporting goods. They have been blowing out their Kayaks in stock. You can get a decent one for $199 and a real good one with $269.

I got the inflatible cause I have no place to store two kayaks living in down town saratoga. I works fine for two people, a little bit slow but nothing having two people paddle doesnt fix. I also like it cause I can fit 3 days worth of camping supplies on it and we just keep it in Sam’s trunk so we have it whenever we feel like using it