Kayak owners ITT

I cant wait to see your dumb ass on the lake when I am in my 23’ Nitro 250hp bass boat… 75mph blast here we come.

I’ve got one that I’ve been dyeing to get out and use. It’s just tough cuz i work so much

What are you using it for, lakes? Length is the biggest variable, sit-in or sit-on, after that it’s just options.

I don’t think that’s a lot of money for what you get. L.L. Bean carries some good shit, that kayak/pole combo being one of them.

Flatwater lake and river. I used to use my uncles’ kayak all the time when I had a camp on the schroon river, that was a blast. It wasn’t a fishing kayak but that didn’t stop me from throwing my fishing rod and tackle box in the thing and reeling in some bass. :thumbup

what would be a good all around kayak? id prob be riding some slow moving creeks, some shallow quicker moving stuff (no rapids or anything) but i also like to fish (meaning deep slow moving water, rivers, ponds, lakes)

You’re paying for a name brand, that’s it. Blow the extra $200 at LL Bean that you could have saved. Between the one I suggested and the one you’re looking at, you will more then likely not see a difference.

i bought an ore in may with the intention of getting a kayak. :lol

someday soon i hope.

Not until I sit in that molded seat. :lol

I’ll have to check it out though. That price is pretty good.

i dont want to hear it, im 100lbs heavier then you and fit fine into a molded seat

why waste your time on top of the water when you can take a scuba diving course and go under the water??


Why waste time making 400whp with an LS1 when you can buy a Honda Civic and make the same amount of power?

Molded seat < padded seat and backrest for COMFORT.

Jesus christ you people.

Mine has a back rest and if you want comfort, buy a canoe.

What type of water have you had that thing out on? Have you paddled upstream yet?

I’m just worried about the 10’ being a pita going upstream and in wind, since it’s short and wide.

I’ve done a few of the smaller lakes now and i’ve done streams too.

I wouldn’t recommend going on the busier lakes with any kayak you get regardless.

Any kayak in the wind is going to be difficult too.

thats wat she said


This seems to be getting some of the best reviews all around, and is priced right.

Rubino, what do you think of that one?

Real talk most of the padded seats with back rests that are strap adjustable are ungodly uncomfortable. Silly plastic molded seat is that way to go as long as it has a full cup holder

You can’t smoke weed or blow lines under water, duh

what he said^