Any Kayakers?

I’m thinking about getting into this and know nothing about it. It just sounds like a good time.

Anything I should know about kayaks like what is the best to get, what to avoid, what will suffice etc. What kind of exercises to do to prepare for trips. Any and all good information welcome. Thanks :slight_smile:

What kind of kayaking are you interested in? My high school had kayaking as a gym class, and I remember they had Perception and Dagger brand kayaks. They’re plastic. I got to use the instructor’s fiberglass one, which was super light but less durable. That’s uh…pretty much all I can remember. Check craigslist for used ones once you figure out if you want to do whitewater or touring (I think this is the other type), they can get expensive.

Theres two types of kayaks… river and ocean. River kayaks are the shorter ones, more maneuvarable, easy to use in rivers. Ocean kayaks are the longer ones, built to cut through the water easier, cover more water faster, good luck trying to use it in a river. Now within the river kayaks you have a few different ones there as well such as a stunt kayak which is really short but people do tricks on them. Like stated above, check CL, look for something that comes fully equipped with an apron and all (water apron- used to keep water from getting into your kayak).

I wet once, it was in puerto Rico and it was awesome. We went to Bio bay at night, the fucking water glowed when you touched it. lizards were swimming in it and they were white like under a black light. Awesome time, needless to say i dont ever wanna Kayak again, to much work.

Don, I have been kayaking for about 10 years now ( I live right on the canal) the only thing you need to work on is your upper body and have a nice set of gloves for long trips. I have 3 perception kayaks from EMS. Once it warms up if you wanna try one out I will be more then willing to take ya out.



Thanks :slight_smile:

Honestly my goal this summer is to kayak the Erie Canal from NT to the Hudson and back.

Do you need to take a boaters safety course? Do Kayaks have to be registered? What safety gear is mandated?