That be me!
So did did everyone one else win?:kekegay:
i thought this truck was for racing… not car shows?
looks good brian. congrats.
and in my case, fbrokecars
Congrats Brian! Truck turned out awesome!
Did you guys get any BBQ dahn ere in Memphis?
looked awesome even with melted powerr steering cap lol
we went to rendevous BBQ in town. it was freakin awesome.
will be going back to that place again.
I love the 2-tone on it. Nice choice on not bringing the gray to the very front and leaving the white 1-2" strip there. Was this painted in-house?
No purple?
theres purple on it…its got a purple pin stripe that breaks up the 2tone
isenberg’s in the rocs did it!quik got me taking care of after my stroke!!
see below
the truck looked great and it was nice being parked right next to the car show this time.
god was that place good!!! worth the money. sitting in the back of brians truck after with the windows locked FTL:eek4dance.
looks great man!!
pewterss drives a show car with an automatic transmission. just wanted to point that out.
what car ?
what they said!!!(SUV)
Atleast i didnt buy an AUTO sports car!:eek3:
is an auto vette even considered a sports car?
dont think