Attn: newman. Buffalo^8

Remember we talked about this a while ago at Tully’s.

damn, i just got that feeling where i think that “buffalo” isn’t a word anymore. anyone know what i’m talking about?

what the hell lol

Cool finally an explanation of the meaning of the sentence


damn, i just got that feeling where i think that “buffalo” isn’t a word anymore. anyone know what i’m talking about?



i like it.

i had to read it and the explanation… since when is buffalo a verb. seriously

ahahah, I thought about that too when I was younger but stopped at 4 buffalos lol


more explanation:

Ya, I saw the Wiki one and thought they didn’t do as good of a job writing it out.

I had Bill Rappaport for a class last year, and we briefly discussed this. He’s a really interesting guy, and an easy grader :wink:

it just makes to much sense…

Simplified parse tree
PN = proper noun
N = noun
V = verb
NP = noun phrase
RC = relative clause
VP = verb phrase
S = sentence
